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Darkiplier's p.o.v

"Okay, that makes sense." Infelix crosses his arms and the girls walk past us. I stare at (Y/n) while she walks around with screens all around her face. She taps away quickly and pushes them away and another pops up hut she clears it quickly.

"So, she's working off the thoughts of being dangerous?" Anti whispers to me and I shake my head.

"She's usually like this." I shrug and their eyes widen.

"Even Peevils can't do things that quickly..." Wilford whispers and Peevils squints at him.

"Ms. (L/n), there is someone on the line for you." Alice holds up a phone and (Y/n) looks up, making the phone float to her and continues working.


"Haven't heard her say that in a while." Infelix comments and she glances at me. She mouths Peevils and I nod, walking into her office.

I knock on the open door and she looks up at me.

"(Y/n) called you over but is on the phone so don't say anything." I say and she quickly gets up, following me. I stop next to the guys and she continues walking towards her but I grab her shirt gently and pull her back.

"Not yet." I whisper and let her go. (Y/n) brings up an empty screen and starts taking notes on it.

"Give me a minute to see if she's in the building." She puts the phone on hold and waves Peevils over. Peevils scurries over to her and they whisper to each other. Peevils quickly shakes her head and (Y/n) rubs her arms carefully and nods. She then shakes her head and Peevils nods, walking into her office. (Y/n) points at Wilford and points to Peevils, putting the phone back on her ear.

"She's not here, I think she's sick so I won't be seeing her any time soon. I can't agree to letting you in because we're always busy." She plays with the sun necklace and continues typing.

"I don't know where she lives because I have no need to visit her." I can tell she's getting irritated and I take the phone quickly.

"Peevils can't talk and neither can (L/n) thank you bye." I hang up and place the phone on Alice's desk. (Y/n) continues typing and walks away into her office.

"What are you doing for Halloween?" Infelix asks and I shrug.

"That's up to her. She's been so unfocused lately I didn't want to add onto her plate." I don't mention the fact that we might spend Halloween with Satan himself.

"You never showed us your mark by the way." Anti crosses his arms and I take off the right side of my jacket, showing them my arm. Their eyes widen and (Y/n) comes out of her office with no screens around her. I show them my palm and she stretches cracking her shoulders. I then show them my neck and put on my jacket, walking over to her.

"Are you done?" I ask and she nods.

"I did everything I needed and wanted to do. Plus, I even got the designs from school to become prototypes to model in." She bites her lip excitedly and I growl, making her blush. She stops and looks away from me.

"Sorry, force of habit." I rub my neck and a crow flies into the room. (Y/n) squeals and holds up her arm, letting the crow sit on her. She kisses my cheek and walks inside her office and locks the door. I smile slightly and look back at all the workers staring at me.

"Alright nothing to fucking see here get back at it." I sit on a chair and everyone gets back to what they were doing.

"Dude, you're a rare?!" Anti whisper shouts and I nod.

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