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Your p.o.v

"Woah!!" Our family shouts as the royals walk to us, going to our versions of themselves.

"I'm fucking serious this shit is trippy as fuck. I'm ripped as fuck in your dimension." King Infelix points out and we laugh, talking to each other.

"What are they doing here?" Queen Peevils asks as Wilamy and our Amy look at each other.

"We'll talk about that later. Right now let's just enjoy this." I recommend and they nod.

Dark talks to King Dark and Lightiplier walks up to them. Dark's brows furrow and he looks at Anti next to him.

Lightsepticeye walks up to King Anti by our Anti.

Anti and Dark look at each other confused.

Queen (Y/n) seems to notice the slight tension.

"Is there something wrong?" She asks them and Queen Darkiishu walks up to Lightsepticeye, Queen Peevils walks up to Lightiplier.

"You two, get along?" Both Dark and Anti ask the kings.

"Ohh, Anti, He has the same situation we had with them in their dimension." King Dark tells King Anti.

"We don't get along for reasons." Anti says and Darkiishu comforts him.

"Who are your parents in your dimension?" Queen Peevils asks us and I blink.

"Satan." I say bluntly and they stagger a bit.

"How old are you, again?" King Infelix asks.

"We're around 18 or 19." I respond and they take a deep breath. King Infelix turns to Queen Darkiishu and nudges her arm gently.

"These kids are fucking intense for their age." He whispers and we laugh.

"You guys have so many tattoos, These two have the biggest tattoos." Queen Peevils points to Dark and I's mate mark.

"Those aren't tattoos." Dark corrects. They all look at us confused.

"They're our mate marks, like how the werewolves had them. Since They became extinct, My mom bestowed the gift of mating to the demons. The marks are a symbol of love and power." He explains and holds my marked hand.

"Who's your mom?" King Dark asks Dark.

"The moon." He responds and King Wilford scratches his head.

"Your dimension is all over the place." He comments and I smile gently.

"So, Why do you have more than the others?" Queen Peevils asks.

"Depending on the mark depends on the power and bond. It's rare to have all 3 but we got it." I explain and she nods.

We hear more footsteps and talking. Their kids come running downstairs, laughing and running around.

"Hey! You're around 3,000 years old! Have some respect!" Queen (Y/n) shouts at them and they stop. Our jaws drop once she says their ages. The kid's jaws drop when they see us.

"If They're 3,000 years old, How old are you all?" Anti suddenly asks.

"Anti you can't just ask how old they are!!" Darkiishu scolds him. The kids come up to us and greet us.

"You guys look just like our parents." One of them says. They go to their parents and stand in front of them.

"Aiden and Darla belong to us, Annabel belongs to Lightiplier, Mandy and Michaela belong to Infelix, William belongs to Wilford and Wilamy, Sandra and Sebastian belong to Lightsepticeye and Darkiishu." Queen (Y/n) says everyone in order and we stare at them.

"I can't tell how our kids will look since you all are paired differently that us." Dark whispers. I look up at him with owlish eyes.

"Our kids?" I whisper back to him and he looks down at me.

"Yeah." He smiles softly and I feel the heat cover my face.

A bright white flash comes from the side of the living room. A tall pale woman dressed in white appears and looks at us. Then a bright yellow flash comes from the same side and a tall tanned woman appears, having the same reaction as the one in white.

"Mom! Aunt Sun!" Queen (Y/n) gets up and walks over to them, hugging both.

"Mom?" Our family asks and Dark stands up. I look at him and stand up, holding his hand.

"Mom, this is us from a different dimension." She explains to them and they look down at us.

"Guys, This is the moon and sun, the moon is my mother and the sun is my aunt." She says and they all get closer, We bow our heads in respect Except Dark. I squeeze his hand gently and he bows his head. We stand up straight and they both look at me and Dark.

"Oh, hello. It's nice to meet you all." The moon greets. Dark slowly walks up to her with me. She looks down at him and he looks up at her.

"Mom, in his dimension There's a version of you, She is his mom." Queen (Y/n) explains and The Moon crouches down slowly, her dress flowing away from her softly.

"I can tell something is wrong." The Moon whispers and Dark suddenly sniffles. I quickly look at him and he lets go of my hand, wiping his face with his sleeve. I take a seat next to the others, the same face of shock as me.

"C-can I hug you..." Dark hiccups and The Moon kneels, same height level as him. She opens her arms and he quickly hugs her, crying silently.

She rubs his back and stands up, leading him out the room. He continues sniffling and doesn't look back at me.

"Does he have the sun as his aunt?" Queen (Y/n) asks and I shrug softly. I stare at the floor as tears suddenly start overflowing in my eyes, falling on my hands and lap. My vision is blurry and the others worry.

"Hey, Are you okay?" Infelix runs to me, holding my arms and kneeling in front of me.

"They're not mine..." I whisper. I can tell he moves back slightly, showing confusion.

"He's never seen his mother before..."

"What do you mean?" King Dark asks and I try to wipe the tears but they keep coming back.

"In our dimension, the moon never leaves her place. We only have images of what we think she looks like. He's called her names before because he's kinda mad at her for making him have a bad childhood. We all look somewhat similar here with a few differences." I look up and at the door.

"He's only just seen a similar version to his mom just now..."

Teenage Dirtbag (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now