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Your p.o.v

"I don't want to pee in this cup." Peevils says, staring at the black cup.

"Why not?" I ask, waiting for Darkiishu to get out the bathroom.

"I feel like I'll pee on my hands on accident and I don't want that."

"Shouldn't we spit instead?" Marzia asks and we look at her.

"Not how it works."

Darkiishu gets out the bathroom and Peevils goes in reluctantly.

"Think of a waterfall!" Darkiishu screams and Peevils groans.

"This feels weird." Darkiishu says while putting the lid on the cup.


"I never really thought I'd be getting a test to see if I can have kids at this age."

"When did you think you would do it?"

"I don't know, like, at 28 or something."

"I'm hungry." Marzia traces the border of the lid.

"I'll treat you guys to food when we're done. Thanks for coming with me." I smile softly at them.

"No problem, this benefits us as well." Peevils says as she gets out the bathroom. We all get up and walk back into the testing room.

Darkiplier's p.o.v

"So, where did she really go?" Infelix asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask, putting down my soda.

"Come on, I know her. She didn't actually go to get flu shots." Infelix looks to the side and sips his soda. I look over to Anti.

"Do you think she's cheating?" I ask and they gasp.

"Oh my fucking moon you did not just say that." Wilford puts his hands up and Anti puts his face in his hands.

"I trust her I'm just asking." I eat a few fries and Infelix stares at me.

"You realize that if she was, which she isn't, you would have felt it?" Infelix asks as if I'm stupid.

"I don't know, I'm new to this." I snap back, putting my hands on the table and staring in his face.

"Relax you two. Maybe she's just working on something." Anti gives me reassurance and I stare at my food.

"Darkiishu did forget to put her walls up for a bit..." Anti says.

"What did you hear?" Wilford asks before I can say something.

"It was kind of faded, I don't really know but I heard something about taking a test." He plays with his one ring on his pinky.

"Test? What test?" I grow worried and sit up straight.

"I don't know, that's when she put up her walls."

"It wouldn't be a pregnancy test would it?"

"No of course not I wear protection. She can't get pregnant now anyways." I say and play with my fries.

"I know but you never know. Some girl got kicked out of the school into the other building because she had a baby at 17." Anti whispers and Infelix looks at him.

"When was this?"

"Like, in 3003. The serum didn't work on her and she mated and got pregnant."

"Serum?" I ask.

"Right, you didn't take that class." Infelix starts.

"When girls turn 10, they go to the doctor and get a serum injected into their hips to not have the ability to have kids in the span of 8-9 years since we graduate high school basically. So-"

Teenage Dirtbag (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now