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Your p.o.v

We drove back to my house but I could tell Darkiplier was tense the whole way. I understood considering I told him if he was my mate I'd reject him, which is the biggest insult other than 'you don't belong in this family anymore'.

I still never agree to being his mate but everyone mentions it anyways. But I wouldn't be the only one who is like this after some random guy says they're your mate just to get in your pants.

I park in front of my house and we get out. Taking in a deep breath, I open the door and Darkiplier follows me up to my room. Once we enter, I lock the door and close all the blinds, throwing my curtains over the windows as well. I turn on a lamp that projects stars and I sit on the bed.

"So, how do we do this?" He sits down next to me and I start stretching.

"What are you doing?" He asks and I crack most of the bones in my body.

"Andromeda told me that since I'm new to this, I have to stretch for the first few times I shift into her." I explain and stand straight.

"Go on, shift." I look at him and he rubs his neck.

"Could you turn around?" He looks at my face and I turn around. I hear shuffling and groaning, then feel soft blowing.

"You can look now." A deep and calming voice calls out to me. I turn around and my eyes widen once I see an extremely tall white ghost with glowing black eyes. I suddenly feel a slight intimated, as well with Andromeda. We bow our heads slightly in respect.

"C-can you turn around?" I whisper and he turns around, his eyes still visible from behind.

I take a deep breath and feel myself disappear and being tossed gently to the back of Andromeda's mind.

Xavier's p.o.v

"You can turn around now." Andromeda's soft voice calls out and I shiver slightly, turning around. I stare at her face, taking in her details. Ghosts can see details better than regular people, seeing her face makes me want to stay in this position forever.

"You're so beautiful..." I whisper and she gives me a confused look.


"N-nothing." I look away and she looks around the room.

"It, feels kind of nice being out here. Oh, sorry." She sticks out a hand towards me and small particles of her hand float away into the air.

"I'm Andromeda." She smiles at me and I take her hand softly, feeling bubbles go up my arm.


We look at our hands and see my white particles mixing into her hand. I pull away quickly and she giggles while poking the remnants of white.

"Why did that happen?" She asks and I rub my neck.

"If I tell you, you won't believe me." I respond and she gets closer to me.

"It's okay."

"Since you barely came, the mating bond is one sided. Dark and I are your mates, but we only feel the bond since it's not your time to find us." I look down at the stray smoke at the end of my body and she places her finger on my arm. I look back up at her and she stares at the white particles collecting on her finger. She pulls away and the particles disappear after a while.

"I want proof from everyone else, if that's okay?" She smiles gently at me and I nod quickly.

"Yes, yeah sure." I mindlink Infelix and Marzia if we can come over.

Teenage Dirtbag (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now