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Your p.o.v

-day of war-

"Give me your hands." I say to my family. It's only us, I told them they didn't need to help but they decided against it.

They all put at least one hand on my fingers, looking at me.

"I'm sorry you're getting dragged into this. I didn't think this would happen now and it seems it came sooner than expected." I look down and they hold my hand and arm.

"(Y/n), You already know that we support You and we chose to do this." Infelix reminds me and I sigh.

"We may be a small army but we're strong as hell and you know that." Wilford says and everyone agrees.

I nod and everyone heads to the back door. I look back to the front door and rub my f/c armored fingers.

"You're waiting for him." Marzia whispers and I nod Slightly.

"I, was hoping he would change his mind." I sniffle slightly and she walks up to me, placing a metallic pastel pink armored hand on my shoulder.

"Maybe He'll show up late. We left his armor in your room. Come on." She holds my hand and pulls me gently. I follow her to the back door and shake my head, clearing it like an Etch A Sketch. I stand up straight and walk next to her.

Marzia casts a spell on everyone including herself to have the ability to fly. I let my wings out and hold hands with Wilford and Peevils. They hold everyone elses hand and I start flying to the clouds, crossing the thick barrier between the earth realm.

I fly faster and tie their bodies to mine so they won't fly away. I push as hard as possible through the thicker barrier to the heaven realm. They all hold onto me and I finally push through with all of them, taking a deep breath. I untie them and put a spell on everyone to be safe from the touch of this realm.

We walk across the clouds and head to the kingdom clearing.

"Remember, you can use your powers as much as you want. Heaven realmers don't have powers from what I remember. If you run out of energy or it's too much, find an alternative or leave." I say and they walk next to me.

"What about you?" Darkiishu asks and I keep my gaze straight forward.

"I'll be fine. I'm getting stronger than my father."

"Right, we'll still support you." Anti smiles with determination and I smile back.

We reach the clearing and the angels have already arrived.

Analis is standing at the head of the large army, some lady with a thick body standing next to her.

"Is, Is that Dark?!" They scream and I look next to the woman. My heart stops and I stagger a bit, staring at his white armor with the angel crest engraved in the chest.

"Dark..?" I whisper and the woman holds his hand. I notice his eyes aren't the same. He's under a spell.

"Dark!!" I shout and he only looks at me.

"We have your mate! Surrender now and no one gets hurt!!" Analis shouts across the clearing with a smirk and my anger comes back.

I flash all my power levels in my hands and take a stance. So does everyone else.

"As if I would surrender to you!!" I shout back, all of changing into our full demon forms. Dark stares at me with a surprised expression.

"Go on Dark, You change too." The woman says as we all fly above the side we were just standing over.

Teenage Dirtbag (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now