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Darkiplier's p.o.v

I've been holding (Y/n) since the second day of her heat. Serene put a spell on me for the week that I wanted with her since she understood why I didn't want to stay away from her.

I let Serene put one of my shirts on (Y/n) since I didn't want to see her body yet and I respected (Y/n)'s mating decisions. Every time I go out, one of the girls comes in to take care of her since I don't want anyone getting in.

The girls clean her every day and are proud of me for respecting her body. I just shrug and wait for them to be done so I can brush her hair. I would let her sleep on my bed and I slept on the floor in case anyone tried anything, I would be prepared.

Right now I came to the store to get some food for when she wakes up. I believe she'll be very hungry when she finally wakes up today. Serene said that since I couldn't leave her alone, it would last a normal week. Other than that, I'm hoping Marzia cleaned her up since today is the last day.

Serene said that before (Y/n) came home on Thursday, she brought home the bear I gave her. I think she has a thing for stuffed objects.

I put food in the cart and look at the list Serene gave me for the food (Y/n) likes the most. She must really like me if she's giving me all these hints to what (Y/n) likes.

"Dark?" I hear a familiar voice behind me and I squeeze the bar on the cart. I continue walking around and get some fruit, putting them in plastic bags and into the cart.

"Dark, I know you heard me."

I take a deep breath and walk away to the isle with spices, placing a couple in the cart. I feel his presence behind me and I continue looking at my list. I get some things for desserts and head over to the cash register, placing my things on the conveyor belt.

"Oh yeah, I heard some guy from the heaven realm is here. Surprised they could come here without being burned alive." Someone walks by and I listen to their conversation as the cashier scans my shit.

"Probably one of the White magic witches. Oh, did you hear about the fashion designer (Y/n) (L/n)? She's fucking blowing up with her clotheslines. Vogue and Cosmopolitan showcased her winter lines and everyone is losing it over her clothes and the new models."

I look at the rack with magazines and take one of each of the two names they mentioned. The person at the end places all my bags in my cart and I pay, taking my change and pushing my cart outside.

I keep glancing at the magazines and place all my bags in the back of the car. I hold the magazines and walk towards my door but someone grabs my arm, burning my skin. I hiss and pull away quickly.

I look up and hold my arm, throwing the magazines in the car through the window.

"What the fuck do you want Lightiplier?" I check my arm and he sighs.

"Dark, why are you being rude?" He stares at me and I blink.

"What, do you want."

"I wanted to see you, I know we haven't seen each other in a while and-"

"And I'd like to keep it that way." I open the door and he pushes it closed. He lifts a magazine with the guys and I holding up Anti with (Y/n)'s clothes.

"Fine, what's this?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because you're my brother." He states and I scoff.

"And where was my brother when I got rejected from the family? Huh?" I put on my gloves and push him as hard as possible. I quickly get in my car and drive away as quickly as possible.

Teenage Dirtbag (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now