Chapter 1

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"Abbi, are you all packed?" I heard my mom yelling from somewhere in my large-sized house. 

"I'm working on it, mom!" I yell back while rolling my eyes. I swear she has asked me that probably twenty times within the past hour or so.

It seemed like we had been waiting for years for this weekend, the time had been moving by so slowly. My best friend, Tori and I were traveling to Chicago to reunite with our best friends that we have known since we were in diapers, oh and also their nine other best friends whom we have grown to love, also.

I am sitting cross-legged on my pink fuzzy rug in the middle of my room packing my clothes in my medium-sized suitcase when I suddenly hear my phone ring, that annoying default ringtone making me cringe. I stand up and walk over to where it sat on my desk.

“Hey, Tori. Whatsup?” I answer after seeing a picture of my best friend and I light up my screen.

“Hey, have you been on twitter recently?”, she laughs.

“No I’ve been packing for tomorrow morning, something YOU should be doing too…” I roll my eyes, knowing that she hasn't even started packing yet.

“Yeah, yeah you know me...I’m spontaneous so I wait until the last possible minute to pack for anything. But, I was just calling to tell you that I put a throwback thursday picture of us, Nash, and Matt up and people are like going crazy talking about how me and Matt happen to be holding hands in it and now #Mari is trending worldwide on twitter, I mean were just best friends and i think its hilarious.” She’s somewhere between laughing and hyperventilating on the other end of the phone.

“Tori, it better not be an embarrassing picture…” I practically beg and ask her at the same time

“I mean… it’s from Ms. Julie’s daycare like wayyyyyy back in the day” She says ever so cautiously, probably knowing I would be mad.

I rack my mind of what picture she could be talking about, the only picture that comes to my mind is by far the most embarassing one of them all...“OH MY GOD,THE PICTURE WHERE ME AND NASH WERE FINGER PAINTING AND HE SMEARED IT ALL OVER MY FACE?!”

She seems distracted for a moment as she doesn’t answer my question, then she quickly changed the subject, “Crap, Matt's calling I’m gonna answer him, love you. Bye!”

I scrambled and opened my twitter account and  quickly typed @toriisthecraic in my search bar and waited for her twitter to load, once it loads I frantically click on the tweet that read “@toriisthecraic: #tbt to the four best friends anyone could have, these were the days @NashGrier @TheMattEspinosa @HarrysCackle” and when the picture finally loads and I try so hard not to scream and bring attention to my mom from my room, god knows she'll never stop asking questions.

I fell back on my bed and groaned loudly “Torrrrrrrrri”  As I was in the middle of this rant my phone started to ring from the floor under my bed where I dropped it. I pick it up, accepting the facetime request as a picture of Nash’s bright blue eyes and wide toothed smile filled up my screen. I quickly smooth out my hair which was currently all over and click accept. Soon enough, Nash’s face lights up my screen and a bunch of screams from the other end of the call fill my room.

“Nash! Shhhh my parents are sleeping. What do you want?” I try and quiet him, rushing to turn down the volume on his call.

Nash just continues to smile his cheesy little smile and says, “Nice to talk to you too, Ab.”

I roll my eyes unconsciously and softly laugh as I say, “Yes Nash, now what can I do for you?”

He turns the camera off his face a little bit and exits the room and goes into what looks like the hallway where the noise level noticeably goes down a ton. “Are you packed yet? We’ve already been here for like 5 hours, Abbi! You guys should just come here now.”

“Nash, you know I can’t leave until tomorrow morning, I’ve told you this a million times. What’s the rush?” I set my phone down so it's leaning against my suitcase, still facing me and begin to pack the rest of my clothes again.

“Nothing, I just can’t wait any longer to see my bestest friend. It’s been too long since my partner in crime has been around to cause havoc on the other guys. You know, they all miss you girls too. Especially Matthew, he can’t seem to stop talking about Tori coming tomorrow.”

I feel the blush rise to my cheeks as he mentions how much he misses me. Truth is, I miss him severely too but my brain wasn’t working at the moment so instead, I just laugh and nervously say, “Well, maybe you boys shouldn’t have gotten all famous and left us in Chicago while you travel the country then, huh?”

I could see Nash’s facial expression change and his bottom lip stuck out, quite adorably to be honest, and he almost whined, “Abbbbbbbbi, you guys don’t really think that do you?”

“Honestly, no Nash you just have the looks and alllll these girls are so ‘in love’ with my best friend and I’m sitting here jealously watching from the sidelines” I laugh as i used air quotes to show all of Nash’s fans’ so called love for him.

“Okay Nash, I really have to finish packing if you want me to be ready to leave in the morning.” Nash quickly says goodnight and hangs up the facetime call. Talking to him always makes me feel so happy,and I honestly can’t wait for this weekend to begin.

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