Serenade You

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Thank you for the comments! & as promised, here's the next chapter! Don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE, & please SHARE! ;-* #LisaFashionista!

So since I'm pregnant, I can't wear my heels. That sucks because we all know, I love my tall ass heels. Thank God the weather's nice though because I can wear a dress with some nice, low shoes that I haven't decided on yet. It's 7:30 and I have my hair and makeup done already. Well, Zendaya did my makeup and Serina did my hair. It was like a fashion show in here. It's always a fashion show for us, especially when one of us is going on a date. They don't want me doing much so they decided to help me with the hair, makeup, finding the perfect shoes, all that good stuff. I already had the dress on so what they did was find accessories to go with it. I gotta love my besties! "OH MY GOSH YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL," exclaimed Zendaya as she walked over to me with my shoes. She put them in front of me and held my hands as I put them on since I was standing. "Thanks Z," I replied. She held my hands until I got to the bed to sit. Don't get me wrong, I do love getting pampered every once in a while, which girl doesn't? But I just hate being crowded or handled like I was about to break at any second. I mean I've had people volunteer to help to just walk to the bathroom and that gets annoying. "Z, I love you, but you don't have to hold my hand every time I make one step," I said with a smile. She just giggled. "I know, I know, I'm crowding you. I'm sorry, I just wanna help. I need you and my nephew to be okay," she replied before sitting next to me. "I know. Thank you for everything that you've done for me. I really appreciate it." Just then, Serina walked back into the room. "OMG my bestie's a goddess!" I smiled and thanked her. I thanked them both for their help. We sat there for the time remaining just talking about life, when the bell rang. "Well, that must be your date," Z said standing up. "Yeah, let's go downstairs." We headed downstairs to open the door for Haven. As soon as I opened the door, the first thing I noticed besides the fact that Haven was singing, was his big smile, then a big bouquet of roses. "What if I couldn't dream? Would I believe that there could be a you and me? & if I couldn't sing? Would you be able to hear my melody? I've waited for so long, & you're finally movin on. Now I can fly, cuz you're my wings. I need these things, like I need you. Can I just say, you look beautiful." I was now smiling really big. He obviously remixed Chris Brown's song, "Without You." (I just made that up as I typed btw lol I thought it was kinda cute. I love remixing songs. I do it a lot so now it just flows when I write them ^-^). He has such an amazing voice and he looked amazing. On top of that, the bouquet of roses was really HUGE and beautiful. I didn't even know what to say. This moment was beautiful. "Haven," I started. I had no words. "I don't know what to say. The flowers are beautiful. & that was amazing. Thank you so much for...all of this. You look great too," I said. He just kept smiling. "You're very welcome. You deserve so much more. I hope you liked the song. I just made it up on the spot. I was walking up your steps and I was thinking that I should've done something else to make this even more special and I thought maybe I should sing for you," he explained. I couldn't help but blush. "I loved it. Thank you. It really was special. No one's ever sang for me when I open my door for our first date." We both laughed. "Well, I had to serenade you. I'll make sure I do it more often," he replied. He stepped closer to me and we hugged each other after he moved the flowers from in front of him. He's just the sweetest! We laughed when we heard the squeals of my besties behind me. "AWWWWWWWWW!" We turned to face them and saw them tearing up. "Wait, why are you crying," I asked them. "We're *sniffles* just so happy for you! & that was too cute," Zendaya replied. "I had to record it!" "You got all that on video," Haven asked her. "Yeah, & hello to you too Romeo," she replied. He chuckled and said "oh, I'm sorry y'all. I was just so caught up in the moment." He went over and hugged them both and went to put the flowers in a vase- or vases. All those roses can't fit in just one vase. "You ready," he asked as he walked over to me. "& Don't worry, this isn't gonna be like a normal first date where the guy takes the girl out to dinner. Those are usually awkward being that they're so...intense, you know? But I promise, it's gonna be special. You'll love it." He smiled at me and all I could see was his excitement. I smiled back & said "well, I can't wait." He opened my door and stepped aside. "Ladies first." "Awwww he's such a sweetheart!" Zendaya was all emotional and hype and I found it funny. Serina was smiling big but Zendaya was the one being all dramatic as if she was the one going on the date. Tearing up, jumping like she just won an award, and all that. "Z, chill," I said to her. We all laughed. "Lexi, DON'T kill my vibe! I'm happy for you!" I smiled and walked over to her and hugged her. Then, I hugged Serina. "I love you both," I said. "We love you too," they replied. "We'll be here when you get back! I'm too tired to drive back home," Zendaya yelled as I stepped out. "Okay, see you later," I yelled back. Finally, Haven and I were out the house. "So, where are we going," I asked. He looked at me, smiled, & opened his car door. Of course, like the gentleman he is, he helped me get in. "Thank you." "No problem," he replied. After shutting my door, he went over to the drivers side and got in. "So, you wanna answer my question orrr..." He looked at me, smirked, then started up the car. "It's a surprise cutie," he replied. I wanted to know, but I knew he wasn't gonna tell me, and I didn't feel like asking a bunch of questions either so I just nodded. "Okay," I said. He looked at me one more time and smiled. "You really do look beautiful. Beyond beautiful, actually." He made me blush yet again and he started laughing. "You're so cute when you blush." He then took his eyes off of me, and payed attention to the road and drive off. To be honest, I'm really excited about this date.

Well, that's all for now folks! *Bugs Bunny Voice!* lol thanks for the comments! Don't forget to do the same for this one and vote & share! Thank you! :)

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