Chapter 13

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Scarlett's P.O.V

I woke up to hear screaming and chanting, I looked over to see Demi still asleep so I was confused as to where the sound was coming from. I climbed out of Demi's grip without waking her and walked over to the door that opened onto the balcony then walked out to see 30-50 girls screaming and chanting my name. They soon noticed me standing above them and started screaming and waving like maniacs. I smiled and waved back then went back inside falling into the bed.

I climbed on Demi pecking her lips multiple times then started kissing her neck.

"Best way to wake up" Demi said flipping over so she was on top.

Demi leaned in closing the gap between us then brushed her lips against mine teasing me.

"What's that screaming" she asked

"Fans" I replied

"Really? How did they get your address" Demi asked

"I don't know, the only people that know are you and Justin... Oh and the pizza girl" I sighed

"You don't want them here" she questioned

"No, don't get me wrong I love my fans but a little privacy would be good" I replied

"I get it, you don't have to explain yourself to me" Demi replied pecking my lips

I smiled then pushed Demi off me.

"We should have breakfast then get ready to go shopping" I said getting out of bed.

"What are you cooking me" Demi asked following me downstairs.

"Who said I'm cooking you something" i asked

"I did" she smiled

"Of course you did, what do you want" I asked

"Choc chip pancakes" she replied

"Uh Demi that's kind of impossible" I said looking around the kitchen

"Why" she whined

"Because I don't have the ingredients" I laughed

She looked at me then laughed

"Looks like I'm taking you out to breakfast" I smiled at her

"I'm having a shower first" Demi said racing to the downstairs bathroom.

I laughed while walking upstairs. I picked out an outfit then went for a shower in my ensuite. After stepping out of the shower I wrapped a towel around my body and one around my head then walked into my room because I had left my clothes in there. I quickly changed into my bra and underwear. I took the towel off my head and started to dry my hair just enough so I wasn't dripping wet. As I looked up I seen Demi standing there with her mouth wide open. I laughed and walked over to her placing my hand under her chin closing her mouth for her.

"Might want to keep that closed you don't want to catch a fly" I said while walking back to my clothes to continue getting dressed, after getting dressed I went to the bathroom to put my make up on. Demi came in and hugged me from behind resting her head on my shoulder.

"Don't put any on" Demi said

"Why" I asked

"Because you're beautiful with out it" Demi replied

I smiled and looked at her in the mirror.

"Thanks babe" I said turning around so I was facing her.

"Let's go, I'm starving" Demi said tickling me

"Demi hold up I haven't done my hair" I replied

Dreams do come true(A demi lovato fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now