Chapter 60

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Demi's P.O.V

Did she actually just say what I think she said.

I don't understand, just a few hours ago she didn't want to be in a relationship but now she's saying she would love to be my girlfriend, this girl is confusing.

I'm not complaining or anything but I want to know what made her change her mind or is she just saying this to make me happy because I wouldn't want that, I wouldn't want her to force herself into a relationship just to make me happy.

"Demi" I heard her say which pulled me from my thoughts

"Uh hi" I said which made her laugh

"Did you hear what I said" she asked, I nodded.

"I just don't understand, you said no before" I replied

"I never said no, I just said I wasn't sure if I could trust you" she replied

"So what changed" I asked

"Nothing, to be honest I was going to ask you the same question but I decided not to because I was scared so I talked myself out if it, but you are definitely worth it Demi" she replied then smiled.

"Worth what" I asked

"Taking a risk" she replied, I smiled but then frowned.

"What's wrong" she asked confused

"It's just that I don't want to be in a relationship with someone that doesn't trust me, I love you scar but what's a relationship without trust" I said and she looked shocked that I had said that.

"But you just asked me out before" she replied

"Yeah, that was before I found out you didn't trust me" I said

"So what your saying is that we are over before we even start" she asked

"I don't know" I sighed

"Well I don't want to be" she replied grabbing my hand

"I want to be with you Demi" she added

"But you don't trust me" I replied

"When you've been through what I've been through its hard to trust people" she replied

"But you trust Justin" I said annoyed

"I've also known Justin for 15 years Demi" she replied, I rolled my eyes at her.

"Don't do that" she said

"Do what" I ask

"Don't roll your eyes at me" she said annoyed

"How long have you known your mother" I ask

"Why are you asking that" she asked

"Just answer the question scar" i replied

"20 years" she replied

"And do you trust her" I ask

"No" she sighed

"Exactly, time doesn't define whether you trust someone or not, we haven't know each other for very long but I'd trust you with my life, I just wish you'd feel the same way" I said

"I trust people that don't hurt me and unfortunately you did, at this point in my life I only trust 2 people, as much as I'd love to trust you I just can't at the moment" she replied

"Who do you trust" I asked ignoring everything else she said

"Johnny and Justin, they are the only ones that have never hurt me, they've always been there for me" she smiled, I nodded and smiled back at her.

"So are we officially dating or not" she asked

"Can we go for a walk and I'll let you know once we make it back to the hotel" I asked

"Of course" she smiled and intwined our fingers and we started walking back to the hotel but we took our time.

It was midnight so there wasn't many people around, it was great just spending time with Scarlett without any interruptions.

"Demi" Scarlett said

"Yeah scar" I replied, she stopped walking which made me stop.

"I can't wait until we get back to the hotel, can you tell me now please" she begged, I laughed and faced her intwining both our hands together.

"Fuck your cute" I smiled

"Cute enough for you to date me" she asked I laughed again

"Yes cute enough for me to date you" I said

"Yay" she said jumping up and down, I swear this girl was a 5 year old inside a 20 year old body but then that would be really weird.

"Calm down women" I laughed, she wrapped her arms around my neck hugging me so I put my arms around her waist and slightly lifted her off the ground then placed my lips onto hers.

It was just a quick kiss before we headed back to the hotel hand in hand, there were a few fans outside that were just about to leave until they seen us, they didn't freak out which made me happy, don't get me wrong I love my lovatics but it's nice not to be fussed over sometimes.

"Hey guys" Scarlett said as they walked over to us

"Hey" they said shyly

"Aww don't be shy, do you's want a photo" I asked

"Yes please" they both said at the same time.

We both took photos with them and talked with them for about half an hour before I noticed Scarlett getting tired.

"Hey guys, we've gotta go it was great meeting you's" I said to them

"You too, thanks for not ignoring us" one of them said

"We'd never ignore our fans" Scarlett said

We gave each other hugs then we went into the hotel and into the elevator.

"Demi I'm so tired" Scarlett said as she hugged me.

"We are nearly at the room, you can sleep then" I replied

"But I wanna stay up with you" she said, she sounded like a little kid that was told they have to goto bed.

"I'm going to sleep as well" I smiled and kissed her forehead as the elevator doors opened.

We got into our room and Scarlett climbed straight into bed.

"How can you be so tired, you slept all day" I asked

"I think I'm getting sick" she mumbled with her eyes closed

"Aww poor thing, are you going to get out of them pants and into something more comfortable" I asked

"Can't be bothered, come to bed babe" she said, I couldn't help but smile when she called me babe I missed it so much.

I changed from my skinnys into sweats then climbed into bed next to Scarlett.

"Do you regret going for that walk" a sleepy Scarlett asked as she cuddled up to me

"Nope, best walk I've ever been on" I smiled and kissed her forehead

"Get some sleep baby" I said

"Mmm" she mumbled

After 10 minutes her soft snores filled the room, I grabbed my phone trying not to move too much so I wouldn't wake Scarlett, I took a photo of us and put it on twitter.

@ddlovato: My girl sleeping🙊💕 #Officiallymygirl

I put my phone down and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

Dreams do come true(A demi lovato fan fictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz