Chapter 30

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Scarlett's P.O.V

It's now the 6th of February, Justin left Texas to go back to LA a week ago and Demi and I are at the airport waiting for our flight which leaves at 10pm so we will get to LA just after midnight then spend the day in LA then fly out to Canada on the 8th. It's been amazing spending all this time with Demi's family but I just can't help but think would they have treated me differently if they knew the truth about Demi and myself, I know Maddie didn't but would they have all reacted like Maddie or would they have wanted nothing to do with me.

Demi said something that pulled me away from my thoughts.

"Mmm" I replied not knowing what she said.

"Are you evening listening" she asked

"Yeah" I replied

"Then what did I say" she asked raising her eyebrows

"You- uh, I don't know" I replied

"So why didn't you just tell me you weren't listening" she said

"I don't know" I sighed

"What's up" she questioned

"Nothing" I replied then a lady over the intercom said.

"Flight 196 to Los Angeles is now boarding at gate 5"

Saved by the bell well actually the intercom but whatever, I grabbed my carry on bag and stood up walking towards the gate Demi following closely behind. Once I got settled on the plane I took out my headphones and put them on pressing play Dirty Paradise by Reece Mastin started blaring I turned the volume down a little bit I'm sure the rest of the passengers don't want to hear my music. I felt Demi staring at me but I just ignored her I didn't feel like taking to anyone at the moment I just want to listen to music in peace.

I've been listening to music for about an hour when Iz you down by Kid ink ft Tyga came on, I love this song it sounds amazing in my range rover thanks to Justin for putting the best sound system in it. Sometimes i just go sit in my car and listen to music because it sounds so much better then the sound system I have in my apartment. I decided to pull out my song book and write for a while.

After another hour we finally landed, after collecting our luggage we made our way to the car park where Justin dropped my car off earlier today. I put our luggage in the car and climbed in the drivers side while Demi got in the passengers side. I started the car and Red Camaro came on so I turned it up and started driving but I couldn't even get out of the parking lot when Demi turned it back down. I glared at her before focusing my eyes back on the road.

"What's wrong with you" she asked annoyed

"Nothing" I replied concentrating on driving

"Don't bullshit me Scarlett" she replied getting even more annoyed

"It's nothing to worry about Demi" I said keeping my eyes on the road

"So there's something wrong" she asked, she's definitely not going to let this go until I tell her.

I sighed which caused her to look at me.

"Your family might like me as your friend but what will they think of me when they find out we are dating" I blurted out, I noticed Demi's body tensed up at me mentioning her family finding out about us.

"They'll still love you" she replied

"And if they don't" I asked

"Then they'll have to deal with it or lose me" she said calmly

"No Demi I'm not going to let you ruin your relationship with your family because of me" I replied still focusing on driving

"So what are you saying, do you want to break up" she slightly yelled, I quickly glanced at her and seen she had tears falling down her cheeks. I removed a hand from the steering wheel and grabbed her hand entwining our fingers rubbing my thumb on the back of her hand.

"Of course not babe but if it comes down to it, I want you to pick your family" I said

"No" was all she said

"Yes Demi, if not I'll do it no matter how much it will hurt me I'm not coming in between you's" I sighed

"Then they will never find out" she said

"They will eventually Demi, I don't want to be a secret forever" I replied pulling into my driveway shutting off the car I just sat there waiting for her to reply but she didn't she just got out of the car so i did the same.

"The luggage can wait till tomorrow, I'm tired" I said as I walked to my front door unlocking it letting Demi in first then locking it again once I was inside. I made my way upstairs and changed into sweats and a singlet then climbed in bed waiting for Demi. It's been 20 minutes and Demi hasn't came up so I went downstairs and found her laying on the couch. I sighed and walked over and crouched down so I was eye level with her.

"Why are you laying on the couch" I asked but she ignored me once again

"Demi did I say something wrong" I asked confused but for the third time in half an hour she ignored me again.

"Demi will you stop fucking ignoring me" I said slightly angry

"I'm sleeping in the movie room" she said getting up walking away I sat down and leaned against the couch and calmed down before walking into the movie room. I went and laid next to her as I did I heard sobs coming from her.

"Dem what's wrong" I asked worried

"You" she said by now I'm completely confused

"What about me" I asked

"You don't love me enough to stay with me" she said then started crying

"I love you so fucking much dems, I just know how much your family means to you" I said pulling her closer to me

"Just not enough right" she sighed still sobbing

"Demi you don't understand exactly how much I love you, if someone had told me 8 months ago that I would stop messing around with ruby, that I would trust myself to be in a relationship again and that I'd be happily in love with the most perfect girl in the world I would have laughed at them but then you came along and changed everything, I stopped messing around with ruby just so I could spend more time with you, I would probably be dead or badly injured if you hadn't worried about me so much to find out what was going on between me and zayn and I'm so thankful for that, I'm a better person because I have you in my life and just because I don't want to ruin your relationship with your family does not mean I don't love you because I most definitely do,this is forever Demi" I said

"I'm sorry, I know you love me it just hurts to know that you'd give up what we have just because a few people don't agree" she replied

"I only want what's best for you dems" I smiled

"You're what's best for me, you may think differently but I don't think I'd be able to live without you and I definitely don't want to find out" she replied then gave me the most loving and passionate kiss she has ever given me.

"I love you so damn much Demi" I said before kissing her again, I fell asleep with my arms firmly wrapped around Demi.


Sorry it's short but I wanted to end this chapter with them being all cute and everything :) hope you enjoyed it.

I have the next 10 or so chapters already written so I can pretty much update when ever I want :)

Jess <3

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