Chapter 14

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Scarlett's P.O.V

It's a day before my album release.

Which means it's been 6 days since Demi and I had our first fight.

6 days Demi hasn't spoken to me despite how many times I've called and text her apologising.

I call her and she either ignores it or hangs up on me.

She's never home when I go xto her house or she is but just doesn't answer the door.

I was just about to call her when I received a text, I quickly grabbed my phone hoping it would be her but it wasn't.


Justin: Hey scar, so I was thinking about tomorrow I was going to throw you a party but then i remembered you don't drink, I'm an idiot aha :) so anyway I booked the trampoline park just for the party because I know you love that place. Hope that's okay :)

Scarlett: Thank you Justin, tomorrow is going to be so much fun, who have you invited?

Justin: Just a few close friends, Demi, Miley, Selena, Khalil and a few others ;)

Scarlett: Justin what is the wink for?

Justin: Nothing just that Ryan is flying out today so he can be here, oh and I might have invited 5 boys that you are crazy obsessed with!

Scarlett: OMG you better not be fucking with me Justin or I'll kill you!!!!!!

Justin: I'm not joking scar, they said that they will see you tomorrow, apparently they are pretty big fans of you :)

Scarlett: omg I love you so much. 😭

Justin: I love you too scar, I'll pick you up 10am so you better be ready!

Scarlett: I'll be ready by 8am!!!!!


So you're probably thinking you know who the 5 boys I'm crazy obsessed with are but you might actually be wrong.

I'm freaking out right now, I haven't had a smile on my face in the last 6 days but now nothing could wipe the smile off my face. Well okay maybe a few things could but that's not the point, the point is I'm happy.

I decided that I wasn't going to call Demi today I'm going to let her have a day without me constantly calling or texting her.

I went for a shower then changed into skinnys, a kiss shirt and a black leather jacket with some combat boots then curled my hair.

I grabbed my keys and phone then headed to Starbucks where I'm meeting up with Miley. I've known Miley for about a year now she is really nice and we get along great, we are like sisters.

"Hey scar" Miley said as I walked over to the booth she was at.

"Hey mi" I said sitting opposite her.

"So how have you been" Miley asked

"Alright I suppose, what about you" I asked

"Great" she smiled

"That's good, so Justin told me you're coming to my party tomorrow" I said making conversation

"Well of course, I wouldn't miss it since I've known you, you've only wanted one thing and that's to release an album and you're finally doing it, I'm so proud of you" Miley smiled

"Thanks, I can't believe it's actually happening" I said excited

"So I've got someone I want you to meet" Miley said with a massive smile on her face.

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