Chapter 15

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Okay so it's 3am but I just wanted to give you's a short chapter before I go to sleep :) sorry if it's sucky

Scarlett's P.O.V

I woke up at 6:30am I groaned as I picked my phone up and went on to twitter.

@SRAutumn Sooo album comes out today, who's going to get it? #excited

I favourited a few replies and replied to a few.

Then got out of bed and walked to the ensuite and turnt the shower on and started removing my clothes once the shower was the right temperature i stepped in letting the water hit my body. After doing what needed to be done I turnt the water off and stepped out, after drying my body I changed into faded denim jeans, Justin's doing real stuff sucks shirt(I stole it he doesn't know yet), a leather jacket and all black converse.

I blow dried my hair and decided to just leave it down. I applied a small amount of make up. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled happy with the way I look. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs and cooked myself some scrambled eggs.

After eating I washed the dishes then sat on the couch and decided to text Justin.


Scarlett: See told you I'd be ready before 8am :)

Justin: I knew you would, couldn't sleep?

Scarlett: No way! How could i? I'm sooooo excited!

Justin: I see that aha, talk later gotta do a few things before I pick you up :)

Scarlett: okay see you later!


I decided to go onto twitter.

@SRAutumn Got some time up my sleeve before my album release party, anyone wanna talk?

My mentions started going crazy.

@lovatobiebrose @SRAutumn Waiting outside for the shop to open so I can get your album first!(photo attached)

@SRAutumn @lovatobiebrose Thank you so much for your dedication!! Hopefully you'll love the album :)

@aussierose @SRAutumn Keep doing what you're doing, you're doing Australia proud! #Australialovesyou

@SRAutumn @aussierose Aww thank you! Have a great day! #iloveAustralia

I replied to a few more tweets until I received a text.


Miley: OMG scar woke up to hear that you're album is already number 1 in 5 countries and it's not even out in stores yet, SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU!

Scarlett: WHAT OMG! I didn't even know that! My fans go hard aha :)


I decided to screen shot the text.

@SRAutumn Just received this! @MileyCyrus Thanks for believing in me! Love you x

I retweeted a few tweets that I got from other celebs like Taylor swift, Selena, Usher, Miley and a few others.

But the one person that I wanted to tweet me hasn't.

Before I knew it there was a knock on the door I got up to answer it, I opened the door to see Justin, Ryan and Chaz, I had to double take that Chaz was actually standing at my door.

"Hey" I said a little awkward

"Well are you going to let us in" Justin asked

I nod then step aside not taking my eyes off Chaz, It's the first time I've seen him since I cheated.

"Dude I'm so proud of you" Ryan said giving me a bear hug

"Thanks" I smiled

"Scar I'm starving, got any food" Justin asked

"Yeah what do you want" I asked walking towards the kitchen

"Pancakes" Justin replied

"Do you's want some too" I asked Ryan and Chaz

"Of freaking course, your pancakes are the best" Ryan said with a hint of excitement

I looked at Chaz waiting for his answer.

"Uh no thanks" Chaz replied

"You know she's not going to poison you" Justin laughed

Chaz just nodded and started fiddling with his phone.

I cooked the boys pancakes then sat in the bean bag that was in the corner of my lounge room. That's when my phone started ringing, I got all excited hoping it Demi. I got up and ran over to the kitchen counter to answer it.

"Hello" I answered without looked

"Hey sis" Johnny said

"Oh hey Johnny" I sighed

"Wow don't sound to happy will ya" he replied

"Sorry was expecting someone else, wait why are you calling it's like 3am there" I asked

"Actually 3:30am but I wanted to congratulate you, I seen your tweet number freaking 1 in 5 countries Australia being one of course" he laughed

"Aww thanks Johnny, I love you" I said

"No problem scar, anyway I've gotta go, got school in 5 hours" he said

"Okay then talk to you another day" I replied

"Yep, love you scar" he yawned

"Love you too Johnny" I said then hung up.

I dropped my phone onto the bench then my head softly.

"What's up? You should be happy your album is out and it's doing amazing" Justin said

"I am happy" I gave him a fake smile

"Don't give me a fake smile, what's up?" He questioned

"It's nothing serious, Demi and I just had a fight that's all" I sighed

"You's will get over it, you's are best mates" Justin said

"Yeah I know, I was just expecting a text, call or tweet about my album from her but whatever" I replied

"You'll see her later you can work it out then, but for now we are here to celebrate with you" he smiled which made me smile.

"Thanks Justin" I said giving him a hug.


Sorry it's so sort but I need sleep aha.

Sooo 5 comments for the next chapter :)

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