Chapter 69

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Jesy's P.O.V

It's been 4 days since Scarlett told me to leave but I only left for the rest of the day and went back the next day and found her in the exact same position, it's been 4 days and she hasn't eaten or spoken to anyone, even with my numerous attempts to try and get her to talk to me she didn't. Justin hasn't even been to visit which really annoyed me he's supposed to be her best friend but he'd prefer to go on dates with Camila while his best friend is falling apart, there's been no change with Ruby I'm hoping that something will happen soon tho because then at least Scarlett would react or move.

Marissa has been to visit but like I said Scarlett didn't talk to her or even notice she was here, it's like her body's here but her mind isn't her body looked more lifeless then Ruby's and she's the one that's in the coma.

I pulled out my phone and went to my contacts scrolling through my contacts until I came across Demi's name, pressing her name then her number I waited for her to pick up which I'm actually surprised she did.

D- hello

J- Demi?

D- yes

J- can you please come to the hospital?

D- why?

J- well because there are two people here that need your support

D- I'm sorry but I can't, I only care about one person there so please tell Ruby when she wakes up that I'm sorry I couldn't come by

J- wait, what about scar?

D- what about her?

J- uh she needs her girlfriend

I heard her sigh before she replied

D- she hasn't told you?

J- told me what? She hasn't spoken to anyone in 4 days

D- she's not my girlfriend anymore

J- you're not serious right?

D- yes I am

J- you're pathetic you know that!!

D- yeah whatever, stop whinging you can have her now

J- are you fucking serious?! She's not a toy you can just hand down when you get bored with her

D- am I serious? She fucking cheated on me.

J- no Demi, he kissed her and she pushed him away

D- you weren't there you didn't see it

J- no but I actually asked questions and got the full story instead of assuming things, did you actually stick around to see if she actually pushed him away or did you just run away like a little bitch

The line went dead so I'm guessing she hung up but I don't really care if she hates me because the only thing I'm worried about is Scarlett, Demi could be so childish sometimes and this is definitely one of Demi's childish moments, she didn't even get Scarlett's side of the story before dumping her.

"Scar" I said placing a hand on her shoulder but like usual she didn't budge so I sat back down and decided to text Marissa.

J- Hey mar, did you know about Demi and scar breaking up?

I instantly got a reply.

M- Hey, no! Are you serious?

J- Yes I just got off the phone to Demi and she told me!

M- At least she's talking to you, she's been ignoring my calls and texts😔

J- She probably won't talk to me anymore, I kinda lashed out at her😕

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