Chapter 33

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Demi's P.O.V

We just finished the third show and are now on our way to Glendale, it's valentines day tomorrow and I have no idea what to do for it. Scarlett is sound asleep next to me I on the other hand can't sleep because I'm trying to think of something to do for tomorrow. My phone started to ring which caused Scarlett to stir so I quickly answered it.


?- Hey it's jesy

D- Oh hey jesy, what's up?

J- I just couldn't sleep and I knew you'd be awake.

D- How'd you know I'd be awake?

J- Scarlett told me you can't sleep for a while after a show because you're on a high.

I laughed

D- that's true

I looked beside me and seen that Scarlett is awake giving me a confused look.

J- What time do you think we will get into Glendale?

D- In about 4 hours

J- Ugh alright I'm going to try and sleep

D- Okay then night jesy

J- Night Demi

I hung up and put my phone next to me and laid down.

"You alright babe" Scarlett asked as she put her head on my chest and her arm over my stomach.

"Yeah, just trying to think about tomorrow" I replied

"What about tomorrow" she asked

"Well I don't know what to do, it's valentines day I've gotta do something right" I said before wrapping my right arm around her pulling her closer to me.

"No babe just being with you is going to be amazing" she smiled then kissed me cheek.

"So you don't want anything fancy" I asked

"Nope, we could lay here all day and I'd be the happiest girl alive" she replied, I kissed her forehead then drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to Scarlett still asleep I took the opportunity to stare at her. She is absolutely gorgeous I'm so lucky to have her in my life let alone her being my girlfriend. The past 5 months have been the best 5 months ever, I can't believe that we have been together 6months in 11 days.

"Dems why are you staring at me" Scarlett asked which made me jump

"Because you're absolutely stunning" I smiled

"Thanks, but it's still creepy" she laughed so did I.

"Whatcha thinking about" she asked

"You know in 11 days it will be 6 months" I smiled

"Yep, half a year with the most amazing girl I could ever ask for" she returned the smile

"I got the better deal" I said

"Please have you looked in the mirror lately, I definitely got the better deal" she replied before pecking my lips

"Happy valentines day babe" she said with a huge smile plastered on her face

"Happy valentines day baby" I said before rolling onto my side pulling the blanket up to my neck hugging Scarlett from behind.

"I don't want to get up" I said, Scarlett rolled over so she was now laying on her side facing me.

"What" I asked because she was just staring at me. She just smiled and kissed me so I kissed her back then pulled away.

"What's up" Scarlett asked confused

Dreams do come true(A demi lovato fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now