Chapter 41

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Scarlett's P.O.V

I've been back in LA for 2 weeks now, Demi and I haven't talked since the plane. I've been going out every night since I've been back in town. I've only got 2 weeks until I go to Australia for my brothers 18th. Justin and Ryan are coming with me, My dad and I haven't talk much because he won't stop telling me to get help for my drinking problem. I have an interview with Ellen Degeneres tomorrow but I was still planning on going out tonight with Camila and Jesy. Yeah Jesy and I sorted everything out but we aren't dating just friends well really good friends.

"Scarlett hurry up" Camila yelled

"I'll be down in a minute" I yelled as I just finished my make up

I went downstairs to see Jesy and Camila dressed and waiting for me.

"Let's go" I yelled

We arrived at the club and it was packed with people either grinding on each other, eating each other's faces or just drinking. We made our way to a booth and ordered 6 shots Camila decided she didn't want to drink tonight so Jesy and I had 3 each after taking the shots I pulled the girls to the dance floor. We started dancing when a guy came up behind me placing his hands on my hips I smiled and started grinding against him. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Hey sexy" I slurred

"Want a drink" he asked, I nodded and took his hand as he led me to the bar he ordered 6 shots after doing the shots he whispered in my ear "wanna have some fun" I bit my lip and nodded following him to the male toilets once we entered the toilets he pushed me up against the wall and crashed his lips onto mine. It got heated pretty quickly as he picked me up and sat me on the counter I wrapped my legs around him as his hand starts to find it's way up my dress. His thumb massaged my inner thigh while he was sucking on my neck.

"Damn baby" I moaned, I started unbuckling his belt while sticking my tongue into his mouth just then someone burst through the door turns out it was Jesy.

"Scarlett what are you doing" she asked

"Wanna join baby" I said to her as I got off the counter pushing her against the wall our faces only millimetres apart, the guy came up behind me and started kissing my neck causing me to moan.

"No scar we are going it's 2am and you have an interview tomorrow" she said

"Aww baby you're no fun" I said pressing my body to hers grinding on her

"Let's go" she said grabbing my hand dragging me out of the toilet and out of the club with Camila following closely behind, we got into a taxi and I must have fallen asleep.

It's now 8am, I just went for a nice cold shower to wake me up, I changed into black skinnys, a black singlet that said peace out with a skeleton doing to the peace sign along with a leather jacket and some black heels. After doing my hair and make up I headed downstairs to see that Jesy had gotten me a coffee from Starbucks.

"Thanks Jesy" I smiled at her

"So do you remember anything from last night" she asked

"Only arriving at the club, why" I asked

"Because you nearly fucked a random in the men's toilet" she said, I was shocked at what she had said.

"What" I asked to make sure I heard correctly

"Scar, you really need to stop drinking, you could have gotten pregnant to a complete stranger if I hadn't walked in" she said being completely serious

"I wouldn't have let that happen" I said

"You wouldn't have known what you were doing scar you were drunk and only wanted one thing" she replied

Dreams do come true(A demi lovato fan fictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu