Chapter 18

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So I decided to give you to updates today considering it took me forever to up date. Enjoy!

Scarlett's P.O.V

I woke up to banging on the front door I groaned and got out of bed.

"I'm coming" I yelled as I walked down the stairs.

I got to the front door and opened it and immediately went to close it but he stopped the door with his foot.

"W-what are you doing here" I asked looking at zayn.

"I came to visit you" he smirked

"How do you know my address" I asked

"It's all over Twitter babe" he said while stepping towards me.

"you need to l-leave" I said trying not to let him see that I'm scared of him but it failed when a tear fell down my cheek.

"Is someone scared" he laughed walking towards me, I kept walking backwards until I hit a wall.

"What do you want from me" I asked

"Well you see yesterday you were rude to me and I'm sure you remember what happens when you are rude to me" he smirked, next thing I know his fist collided with my face.

"Why didn't you just let them beat the shit out off me" I asked

"Because I'd rather they did it" I added

"Why would you want them to beat you up" he asked slightly confused

"Because I'd prefer people I don't know beat me then someone I once cared about" I said softly

"Well I wouldn't beat you if you went to dinner with me" he said

I shook my head so he hit me again. He asked me another three times but I said no every time so he hit me another three times, he was just about to hit me for the fifth time.

"I'll go" I said softly

"What" he asked

"I'll go to dinner just stop hitting me please" I pleaded while crying, he backed away and I looked up at him and I swear I saw a flash of guilt across his face but it was soon gone.

"Be ready by 6 I'll pick you up" he said then left, I was now on the ground because the second punch he threw got me in the stomach same as the third one.

I got up and locked the front door then went back up stairs to my bathroom, my face was already starting to bruise so I covered it up with make up incase someone decided to come over and climbed back in bed. It was only 8am so I decided to go back to sleep. I woke up to my phone going off, I grabbed my phone and noticed it was a text.

Demi- Hey babe, what are you doing today?

Scarlett- Nothing until later, why?

Demi- Can I come over? What's on later?

Scarlett- Sure I'm probably just going to watch movies all day, and I decided to take zayn up on his offer for dinner.

Demi- Cuddles and movies= perfect day :), I'm glad you are giving him a chance scar :)

Scarlett- They do, now get your sexy ass over here! I need my cuddle buddy.

Demi- Be there in 20 :)

Scarlett- Okay just come straight in and lock the door behind you.

I got up and changed into sweats and a over sized shirt then went downstairs and unlocked the front door, I grabbed a blanket and went to the movie room and laid on the couch/bed and decided to check my twitter while I wait for Demi.

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