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Scarlett's P.O.V

"Aunty scar"

I was half awake half asleep when I heard Bentleys soft voice. I sat up but had to get the blanket to cover my body considering in only in my underwear, I feel a lot more comfortable sleeping that way okay.

"Morning bud" I smiled at him but he didn't smile back he looks like he is going to cry.

"Is momma at the horsepital again?" He asked

"Why would she be at the hospital?"

"Since momma met Jason she's been crying all the time"

"Come here" I motioned for him to sit on my lap

"Tell me more about Jason"

"He's mean, he always yells at me, am i a bad boy Aunty scar?" A few tears left his eyes

"What? No, you're not a bad boy, why would you think that?"

"Jason says I am so he-"

"Morning babe" Demi said as she kissed my cheek, I ignored her I need to know more about this.

"Does he hit you?" I asked hoping to get an answer I'll be happy with.

He didn't reply he just hung his head low.

I pulled him into a hug his little arms wrapped around my body as much as they could, Demi sat up so I looked at her and gave her a small smile.

"Morning" I peck her lips

"What's going on?"

"I'm not 100% sure, can you grab me a shirt please?"

Demi climbed out of bed and went to get me a shirt.

"Thanks babe" I grabbed the shirt of her and slipped it on once Bentley pulled away.

"Can you tell me anymore Bent?" He just started crying even more.

"Hey shhh, you can tell me later" I pulled him back into another hug.

"Hey Bentley, how about we go cook some yummy pancakes and after breakfast we can build a massive fort and watch spongebob all day" Demi suggested which made Bentley stop crying and look at her.

"bacon? And all day?" He question

"Yup bacon too and yes all day" she replied dragging the all.


"I love you" I said to Demi

"I love you too" she smiled

"Do you love me" Bentley asked Demi.

"Duh, of course, you're my favourite man in the whole world" Demi said picking him up.

"More than you love Aunty scar?"

"Definitely, she has girl germs" I laughed

"You're the one that kisses her"

"Haha burn" I said as I slapped her ass

"Yeah, I have to kiss all her germs away"

"Can I call you Aunty Demi?" A massive smile appeared on Demi's face, I knew she loved what he just said because she absolutely adores Bentley, after we had him for the night a few months ago she didn't shut up about him, it was adorable I know Demi will make a great mother one day.

"Of course as long as I can call you Beejay"

Bentley nodded as we made our way downstairs.

Dreams do come true(A demi lovato fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now