Chapter 23

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Scarlett's P.O.V

It's been a week since mine and Demi's conversation, she came over the next day and we talked about the options I had and the best one we came up with was for me to stay at Demi's because zayn knows where I live and also knows where my father lives. I haven't spoken to him since the night we went to nandos although he has constantly been texting threatening me I've been ignoring them all. I told Justin that I'm not going to hang out with zayn anymore but he said actions speak louder then words so we aren't on talking terms at the moment and now he's back in Canada for Christmas.

Demi and I are actually on our way to Texas right now, we aren't really on good terms with each other at the moment. Which is all my fault I keep blaming her for the threats I'm getting from zayn so when we talk it ends up in an argument because I'm always angry. So for the past 2 days we haven't spoken to each other unless we need to like this morning when Demi told me to hurry up or we will miss our flight.

It's pretty awkward living with someone and not talking to them. I just really need to stop blaming Demi when it's my fault, I wouldn't be in this position if I hadn't of went to dinner with zayn or if I didn't agree to be his friend but the voices in my head keep telling me it's Demi's fault because she told me to give him another chance.

"How long until we arrive" I ask

"Don't know, we will get there when we get there" she replied without looking at me.

"What did you tell your family about me coming" I asked

"That your family is busy and I didn't want you to spend Christmas alone" she replied once again not looking at me.

I sighed and put my headphones in and listened to music until the plane started to land. Once the plane landed we got off and went to collect our luggage. After collecting our luggage Demi walked over to a group of people so I followed closely behind. When we reached the group Demi gave them all a big hug especially the youngest one, I just stood there like an awkward turtle waiting for Demi to introduced me to them but she didn't, she was too busy talking to the youngest girl.

"Hi I'm Dianna and this is Eddie" the older women said while pointing to the man that was standing next to her.

"And I'm Dallas, Demi's amazing older sister" she smiled

"I'm Scarlett, it's nice to meet you all" I say with a smile

"Oh we know, Maddie loves your music" Dallas laughed

"Nice to know" I laughed with her.

We made our way to the car, Dianna and Eddie were in the front, Demi and the younger girl who I figured was Maddie climbed into the back so Dallas and I sat in the middle. The whole way to the house Dallas and I talked about everything and anything. Once we arrived at the house we all went inside leaving our luggage in the car. Dianna and Eddie said they had to duck out to do a bit of shopping and that they will be back later.

"Scarlett follow me" Dallas said walking up stairs, I did as I was told and slowly made my way upstairs to what I assume is Dallas's room. She laid on her bed but I decided to stand because I didn't know her well enough to just make myself at home.

"So what's going on between you and Demi" Dallas asked, I frowned at her not knowing what she was talking about.

"What do you mean" I asked

"She hasn't said one word to you since you have been here, I though you's were good friends" she said

"Oh we are, we just had an argument a few days ago and we haven't spoken to each other since unless we needed to" I explained

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