Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Scarlett's P.O.V

The past month has been crazy, I've had interviews nearly everyday if not 2 a day, Luke and I have gotten really close so close that our fans have started shipping us together, Demi and I are great couldn't be better.

"Scarlett hurry up otherwise you are going to be late" Justin yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming, just give me a minute" I yelled back

I quickly finished applying my makeup then went downstairs.

"About bloody time" Justin said as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Let's go" I said

So you're probably wondering where we are going, well as I said before the past month has been nothing but interviews but it's been with radio stations and what not so I've decided to have a little gig. The gig will consist of me performing 2 songs then I'll answer a few of their questions then i will perform another 3 songs, answer more questions then eventually do a meet and greet with who ever is there. Although the gig will only be for 100 fans I'm so excited to perform for them.

We arrived at the location and there would had to have been hundreds of fans waiting outside and these fans aren't the ones going to the gig because I've been told they are already inside. We pulled up around the back entrance there was a few fans around the back so I quickly took photos and signed what they wanted signed and headed inside. As soon as you step inside the building you can hear them chanting "We want Scarlett". I was taken to my dressing from and told to wait there for 5 minutes because they still haven't figured out my setlist. Okay so you're probably thinking why do a gig if you haven't got a setlist, well when the fans came in they were asked to write down their favourite song from my album and what ever the 5 most requested songs were that's what I'll be performing. After waiting I was finally given my setlist along with the band.


1. Who says

2. All Back

3. All I want to do

4. Addictive

5. On my mind

After another 5 minutes I was finally aloud to go out.

"Hey everyone" I said while walking onto the stage the crowed starting screaming as a reply. I walked over and sat on the stool that was middle stage.

"How is everyone tonight" I asked once again receiving screams in reply.

"So the first song is who says" I said then the music started.

After performing the first two songs I sat back down on the stool.

"Question time" I yelled into the microphone, I watched as four of my team went out into the crowd to hold the microphones so fans can ask questions.

"If you could do a collab with anyone who would it be with" a girl about 16 asked

"That's a hard one because there is so many people I'd love to collab with but if I was to go into a studio tomorrow and collab with someone it would be Chris brown" I replied

"Which is your favourite song off the album" another girl asked

"Probably teenage dream" I smiled

"Next question" I said

"Would you go to dinner with me" a voice asked, I knew that voice my eyes scanned the crowd until I seen him...zayn,my body tensed up I cleared my throat.

"I'm sorry but I'm pretty busy" I replied trying to be polite

"Next question" I said

"Favourite song" a girl about 18 asked

"At the moment id have to say Red Camaro by Keith Urban" I replied

I answered a few more questions then performed then answered more questions. It's now time for the meet and greet and I'm praying that zayn doesn't show up.

The first girl came up to me.

"Hi" she said softly

"Hey, how are you?" I replied, she smiled

"I'm good thanks, you?" She asked

"I'm great" I smiled

"Are we aloud to take a photo" she asked

"Of course" I smiled and we took a silly selfie and I signed her poster for her.

After an hour and a half I was up to my last person and it wasn't zayn. A wave of relief washed over me as the last fan came up to me.

"Hey sweetie" I said to the girl that looked about 14, I signed her poster for her but she looked a little upset.

"What's wrong" I asked her

"Well I don't have my phone so I can't get a photo with you and when I got back to school and tell people I met you they won't believe me and will call me an attention seeker" she said softly, I frowned at her then I noticed her wrists.

"What's your twitter" I asked while pulling my phone out.

"Scarlettsavedme" she replied, I smiled at her and put it into the notes on my phone.

"How about I take a photo on my phone and I'll tweet you the picture" I suggested a big smile appeared on her face.

"That would be amazing" she replied, we took a few selfies then she started to walk away.

"Wait" I called out, she stopped walking and turned back to me "what's your name" I added

"Amber" she replied

"Amber, promise me you'll try and stop" I asked, she looked confused then it must have clicked because she looked down at her wrist she nodded and walked off.

"Finally finished" Justin yelled as I walked into my dressing room, I laughed at him then sat on the couch beside him.

"What's up" he asked

"Zayn was in the crowd" I sighed

"Wait, your ex zayn" he asked annoyed

"Yeah, he asked me out to dinner" I replied

"Tell me you said no" Justin looked at me

"Yeah" I smiled

"Good because he's a jerk and never treated you right" he said still annoyed.

If only you knew everything.

"Yeah" I replied getting up "let's go" I added

The rest of the day I just lazed around the house watching movies until I fell asleep.


OMG 1.5k reads.

That's crazy.

Sorry this chapter is so short I just need to update for you's.

I promise the next chapter will be longer and hopefully a lot more interesting.

Thanks for reading!

Jess x

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