Chapter 35

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We arrived in Omaha a few hours ago.

I'm loving being on tour but the past few days Demi's been avoiding me and spending ALL her time with Marissa, I get that she doesn't see her much but it wouldn't hurt if she spent at least half an hour with me. I'm lucky to get 5 minutes with her but I can't do it anymore I'm going to speak to Demi about it. Demi still hasn't told Marissa about us even tho I said she could because I told Justin, we have been together for 6 and a half months I want people to start finding out about us.

Right now I'm sitting on the tour bus by myself, Demi and Marissa were out shopping.

I started scribbling a few lyrics down when Demi and Marissa walk onto the bus laughing.

"Hey Scarlett" Marissa said cheerfully

"Hi" I said not taking my eyes off the paper

Demi sighed

I looked up and seen that Marissa looked hurt.

I sighed

"Sorry just not feeling the best" I said

"Anyways I've gotta go, got an interview" I added getting up

I walked into the arena where I was performing tonight because that's where the interview is going to be held.

"Hi Scarlett my names Ryan" he said as I walked into the room

"Hi, nice to meet you" I said sitting on the couch

They set up a camera and microphone then Ryan sat with me.

"Hey everyone I'm here with Scarlett Autumn" he said looking at the camera

"Now Scarlett we have a few fan questions for you to answer if that's alright" he asked looking at me

"Shoot" I replied

"Okay first ones from Emily, if you had to pick one album to listen to for a week which album would it be" he asked

"Well that's a close one, but I'm going to have to say Justin Biebers believe acoustic album his vocals on it are incredible" I answered

"Okay now just for my curiosity what was the other album" he asked

"Demi by Demi Lovato" I answered

"Okay next question is from Lucy, At the first neon lights show you dedicated a song to someone who was it dedicated to" he asked

"I'm not going to name any names so I'll just say I'm happy with this person and when were ready to let the world know, my fans will be the first to find out" I answered with a smile just thinking about Demi.

"Katie asked, what's it like being on the neon lights tour" he asked

"It's one of the best experiences, everybody's really nice I've gotten pretty close with fifth harmony and little mix" I answered with a smile

"My curiosity again, who would you say you're closest to from each band" he smiled

"From fifth harmony it would be Camila and Jesy from little mix" I answered

"Okay last question and it's from Skylah, what song has the most meaning behind it and why" he asked

"Well all my songs have a meaning behind them but probably What have I done, it's me owning up to a massive mistake I made that ended up hurting someone I really cared about" I replied

"Cheating" he asked

I was shocked and a bit taken back that he would say that I thought he would just leave it.

Dreams do come true(A demi lovato fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now