Chapter 48

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Demi's P.O.V

It's been over an hour since Scarlett left. I just got out of the bath and changed into sweats and a hoodie, I dried my hair and threw it up in a bun then headed downstairs to the lounge room to watch some TV, I decided to watch the ID channel obviously.

I was sitting there for about 10 minutes when my front door opened and in walked Scarlett who has red puffy eyes, before I could even ask what was wrong she was upstairs, what the hell happened at the hotel.

I was brought out of my thoughts when there was a knock on the front door, I hadn't realised i had zoned out for about half an hour. I got up and answered the door to see my mum standing there.

"What did you do to Scarlett, she came back crying" I asked annoyed

"I didn't do anything Demi, can I please come in" she asked, I stepped aside and let her in following her to the lounge.

"I'm sorry Demi, I didn't mean any of what I said earlier I was just shocked" she blurted out

"What made you change your mind" I asked

"Scarlett did, I don't care who you love or don't love I just want you to be happy and healthy, Scarlett is a wonderful girl Demi she's perfect for you, you can't let her move to Australia" she said, what the fuck Scarlett's not moving to Australia what is she going on about.

"She's not moving, what the hell are you talking about" I replied and my mum looked shocked

"She hasn't told you" my mum asked

"Told me what" I asked

"It's not my place to say Demi" she replied

I can't believe she's actually thinking about moving back to Australia.

Mum left so I could talk to Scarlett but first I have to tell my fans about Scarlett and myself, a tweet won't fit everything I have to say so decided to write it in my notes and I'll just screen shot it.

To my amazing lovatics.

The past 7 or so months I haven't been completely honest with you, I was recently in a relationship with the most amazing person I've ever met but my insecurities got the better of me so I broke it off and to this day I regret it. It's been the worst decision I've ever made and I'm going to do whatever I can to get this person back. I know some of you will not support this but if you're a true lovatic you will support me with this because it makes me happy.

So Scarlett Rose Autumn if you are reading this....



Love Demi xx

I screen shot the note but it took two photos so I used a photo app and put them next to each other.

@ddlovato: The truth 😘( photo attached)

Not long after the tweet my phone went off, I looked at it and it was a notification letting me know Maddie had tweeted.

@Maddielovesyou1: @SRAutumn the love you have for my sister is amazing!

I knew Maddie knows what happened so I decided to give her a call.

M- hello

D- hey mads

M- Demi what's up?

D- what happened today when Scarlett dropped you off?

M- Scarlett hasn't spoken to you?

D- no she went straight to her room crying!

M- oh, I can't tell you Demi

D- you can and you will or just forget about talking to me ever again!

M- come on Demi you don't mean that

D- I do Maddie, Scarlett means the world to me, I need to know what happened so I can fix this!

M- Demi I don't think this can be fixed!

D- everything can be fixed Maddie, now tell me!

M- uh fine, when she dropped me off mum was angry and rude towards her but Scarlett was polite and asked to talk to mum so they went outside. I heard Scarlett giving mum a speech about you and that mum shouldn't love you any less because of who you love or don't love, by the end of the speech you could tell Scarlett was in tears and mum wasn't angry anymore. Mum said something and Scarlett said that she won't have to worry about you and her being together because she's going to Australia, so mum asked her if she was moving there and Scarlett said that if her leaving will fix what she ruined between you and mum then yes she is.

D- she can't leave Maddie

I was now crying, it hurt so much knowing she feels like she has to leave the freaking country.

M- dem you need to talk to her, get her back it's clear you's both still love each other but I don't think Scarlett's going to make that move, you need to!

D- your right, I've gotta go I'm going to get my girl back!

M- bye dem

I hung up, Maddie's right Scarlett's not going to make the first move because she thinks it's going to ruin my relationship with my family.

I ran up the stairs 2 at a time, I'm finally up the stairs and standing at her door. I didn't know whether I should knock or walk straight in, all of a sudden my hand reached for the door and opened it I walked in and Scarlett was just walking out of her bathroom so I walked straight over to her and cupped her face crashing my lips onto hers but she didn't kiss back so I pulled away.

"Thank you" I smiled my hands were still on her cheeks until she pulled them away my hands dropping to my sides.

"What for" she asked

"Talking to my mum, she came over and apologised and said as long as I'm happy she's happy" I smiled widely

"That's great Demi" I smile appeared on her face but I could tell it was fake then I remembered everything about Australia

"So how long are we going to Australia for" I asked

"You're going for a week" she replied

"You're only staying the week as well right" I asked

"No, I'm staying longer" she replied and my heart sunk it's true she's actually leaving

"But Johnny's moving here the same day I go back" I said pretending to be confused

"It'll only be for a while plus he will have dad and Justin he doesn't need me" she replied

"Are you crazy Johnny's moving here for you not for your dad or Justin but for you" I said getting annoyed

She shrugged her shoulders.

"Maddie overheard your conversation you had with my mum" I said, her head shot up and her eyes went wide.

"I'm sorry Demi but I have to, it will be easier for the both of us" she replied

"How is it better? I don't want you to leave, I want us Scarlett" I said grabbing her hands

"Don't Demi" she said pulling her hands away "We are over there's no us anymore" she added

"So your just going to give up on us" I asked

"Don't put this on me Demi, you gave up first remember" she replied

"And I'm trying to fix it, are you blind? Can you not see how happy you make me? Scar you are my light, without you my world would be nothing. I need you Scarlett" I say sobbing

"Can you please leave" she asked no emotion.

"I love you scar please don't forget that" I said before walking out.

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