Chapter 40

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Demi's P.O.V

It hurt knowing Scarlett could move on so fast, I was laying in my bed Jesy was sound sleep so I decided to go out and join Scarlett.

"Mind if I join" I asked, she just shrugged her shoulders I know I hurt her earlier back at the arena. I decided to take a seat not sure what to say.

"I didn't mean what I said back at the arena" I said

"Okay" she replied not looking at me

"Come on scar, I'm trying to apologise here" I sighed

"You are only apologising so you can sleep better at night Demi, you don't actually mean it because if you did you wouldn't have said it in the first place, you know how much I hate myself for what I did and you still choose to say that" she replied

"I said it because I wanted to hurt you" I replied

"Why, what did I do to hurt you so much that you had to use that against me" she asked with tears in her eyes

"You moved on so quick" I sighed

"You knew it was fake" she said

"Yeah but seeing you and Jesy kiss hurt" I replied

"That's no ones fault but yours Demi" she said getting up and going back inside.

Scarlett's P.O.V

I went inside and climbed in bed, Jesy rolled over and snuggled up to me. After about ten minutes Demi came inside and climbed in bed and I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up and it was still dark out. I sat up slightly to check the time and it was only 5:30am I laid back down but noticed Demi was laying on her back with her eyes closed. I know that when Demi lays on her back her back she's not asleep.

"Demi" I said softly but she ignored me.

"Demi I know you're awake" I said

"What" she asked softly

"Follow me" I said getting off the bed walking out onto the balcony.

Not long after Demi walked out and I could see she had been crying, it hurt knowing that Demi was hurting and it was my fault. I have to make things right with her before I go back to LA.

"We need to sort things out before I leave, I don't want things to end like this" I said sitting down

"There's nothing to sort out" Demi said

"Come on Demi, you and I both know we can't have a normal conversation without it turning into a fight" I said

She sighed

"I know" she said

"Well I'm leaving at 10am" I replied

"Okay" Demi said

"I want you to tell me how you feel" I said but Demi ignored me

"Demi please, I need to know" I said

"Fine" she sighed "When I met you at Selena's party I thought you were just like everyone else but the more I got to know you the more I needed you in my life, the day I asked you to be my girlfriend and you said yes that was happiest I had been in ages. We were great together but I felt like things started falling apart when we started tour I felt like you weren't into me anymore that you'd fallen for someone else, then we started fighting over the most stupid things some things were serious but others were just stupid things, I knew I had to end it before we started hating each other. You were ready to let everyone know about us but I wasn't even ready to tell the person I trust the most. You and Jesy started becoming really close and I was jealous even tho I was the one to break it off. Hearing the songs you wrote about me made me feel like shit knowing I hurt you so much. Now you're with Jesy and I have to let you go but I can't. If I can't have you I don't want anyone else to have you" she said with tears in her eyes

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