9 ☜

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silence coated the brown haired boy's room. he couldn't sleep. it's not that he wasn't able to, he just couldn't bring himself to shut his eyes; every time he shut his eyes, finn appeared.

jack sighed and rolled over on his side so he was facing the wall, he started to zone out when, all of a sudden, there was a knock on his window.jack found this very odd, and not because it was 2A.M. but because his window is on the 2nd story and the only person who knows how to get up, is finn.

the knocking continued,jack crawled out of bed and peered over the bottom of the window frame to see finn sitting up against his window. jack knocked back to signal finn to turn around, he opened his window and let the shivering boy inside.

"what are you doing here?" jack asked, "if my mom hears you, she'll be so angry with me."

"jack, i need- i need to talk to you," finn slurred, jack looked into his glossed over eyes.

"are you drunk?" jack asked, finn chuckled, "only- only a little bit."

"okay, finn you need to leave. i don't want you doing anything you'd regret. i know you hate me right now," jack sighed as he looked at finn with worry.

"i- i don't hate you," finn slurred, he poked jack's chest, "im just angry you cheated- a-and don't want me."

"jesus, finn! i want you- i want you so bad! the situation is so fucked, i don't even know how to explain in," jack yelled, finn stepped away from jack, he couldn't handle people yelling.

"sorry finn, i wasn't thinking," jack went back to a hushed voice and ran his hand along finn's cheek.

"i-is sophia- prettier?" finn slurred, sadness filled his eyes; his bottom lip quivered a bit. "i know- i'm not pretty, but please- leave me if you believe that t-too."

"finn, baby, no. you're the prettiest person i know. please sit down, i don't want you to pass out, how much did you drink? are you feeling light headed? does your stomach hurt?" jack asked, finn felt overwhelmed and started crying, not hard, but enough for jack to feel so guilty that he felt his lungs would collapse.

"i know i pushed you to do this to yourself, i'm sorry," jack apologized again, he knew finn wouldn't remember tomorrow, though.

"i- do this a lot, i just d-don't tell you," finn giggled and held a finger against his lips, he made a shushing noise.

"baby no, drinking isn't good for you," jack pleaded, he grabbed onto finn gently and led him to his bed, where he sat him down.

finn laid back and stared at the ceiling, jack laid down next to him. finn turned his head and looked at jack, his head was all fuzzy, he couldn't think straight. finn got up and got on top of jack, "finn... you're drunk. get down," jack said, finn got all up in jack's face.

"i- love you," finn purred, "finn seriously, you're still going to hate me when you're not drunk tomorrow, you're going to regret this."

"then- w-why don't you stop me," finn slurred as he bent his head down to suck on jack's jaw bone and down his neck.

"finn.... seriously...." jack moaned, finn giggled for a moment, he picked his head back up and stared into jacks eyes.

"how much did you drink?" jack asked, finn giggled again, "enough," he answered.

finn smashed his lips into jack's, the smaller boy was happy to kiss back. finn bit jack's bottom lip, causing him to moan. when jack realized the situation, he pulled away from finn's kiss, "i'm sorry, i can't do this to you," once again, jack was apologizing. finn got off of jack, sat up against the wall next to jack's bed, and hugged his knees.

"why don't you want me," finn whispered, "are you- not attracted to me anymore? a-are you straight now?" finn asked, he could feel tears welling up in his eyes.

"baby. would i be making out with you if i didn't want you?" jack asked, finn went quiet. "i'm so gay for you grazer," finn mumbled before laying down and falling asleep.

"finn?" jack asked, "finn??"

did he pass out? jack wondered, he began to panic. he lightly slapped finn's cheek a couple of times but he didn't wake up. jack grabbed a half-full cup of water from his night stand and threw it on finn's face.

"hello..?" finn asked, he didn't open his eyes. what a relief. jack thought, he laid down next to finn and grabbed his hand to intertwine it with his own. soon enough, jack drifted off to sleep as well.

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