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monday, february 14th, 2018.


This year has been pretty insane, but i thought i'd be spending valentine's day with my (maybe?) boyfriend, i knew we'd make it through. i mean, technically i'm spending it with him, but also not because he's in the hospital. i hope things work out, things are really messed up right now and i just want to be with him, i hate that he's hanging out with noah again.

after school, i quickly made my way to the local flower shop and bought a colorful bouquet of chrysanthemums and B-lined for the hospital. when i arrived at finn's door, i held my fist against the door, i want to knock, what if he doesn't answer?
i swallow my fear and hesitantly knock, then walk in. finn is weakly sitting up in the bed, he looks as if he could doze off at any minute. "it's valentine's day," i say, he hums in response.

"these are for you," i said as i sat down the flowers on the table at his bedside, he hummed again. "how're you holding up?" i asked.

"i don't know," he said monotonously, which made me sad, he's never been someone with a lot of enthusiasm in his tone but this... this is weird.
"i'll be right back," i said, i walked out and looked for doctor quincy, which i found easily. "excuse me," i said, he turned around and smiled at me, "could i take finn out for the day? it's valentine's day and i just really want to make him happy and give him a good day," i asked, doctor quincy seemed hesitant, like he didn't want to respond.

"finn's injuries, it only being a day after, are still being treated and we're not sure how long he'll have to be here, we may have to hospitalize him for a couple of months for his psyche as well, we're just not sure yet. i don't know if it will be possible for you to take him out today, im sorry," he apologized, i frowned and made my way back to finn's room. when i got there, he was staring blankly at the ceiling.

"i'm sorry that this happened to you," i said with full honesty, no half-hearted bullshit. "i love you, and i'm here for you though this."

finn looked away from the ceiling so he could look at me, the same blank expression still on his face, until it changed to a soft smile. "thank you," he said as he reached for my hand.

i slowly intertwined my fingers with his, trying not to hurt him, he squeezed my hand like if he didn't, i would disappear. "i really um- need someone right now. my mom is different, she tries to justify the things that steve does to me, but you- you understand me," he says as he kisses my hand.

"i wish we could spend the day doing fun couply-stuff," i sighed, which made finn frown. "i'm sorry," he said, this made me panic. "no, no, no-! this isn't your fault, i just wish i could get you out of here and show you a good day," i muttered. finn's lips curled into a devious smile as he lifted himself out of bed, i could tell as he stood up that he was in pain.

" get back into bed!" i yelped, but he shook his head. "take me somewhere, jack, let's do something," he said with a giggle. "this isn't safe, i don't want you to irritate your injuries or whatever."

"jack i'll be fine! let's get out of here before the doctors notice that i'm gone," he said as he changed into his own clothes. i grabbed finn's hand and gave him support as we walked out, i led him to my car and helped him into the passenger seat.

"you're sure you feel fine?" i asked, finn uncomfortably smiled and nodded his head.
i climbed into the car and began to drive somewhere where we won't have to do a lot of walking or physical stuff, which ended up being an ice cream shop.

"this reminds me of a date we had, when we walked to the boardwalk," finn said, which made me smile. i can't believe he remembered, he seemed so distant that entire date. "it's cute you remembered, hell, everything about you is cute," i smiled, which also made finn smile. finn ordered raspberry sorbet, and i ordered cotton candy ice cream; we sat down across from each other in a booth in silence, but it was comfortable silence.

"still feeling okay?" i asked, finn nodded in response. i sighed in relief and continued to eat my ice cream, finn slowly picked at his. "how's the hospital been treating you?" i asked, which made him chuckle.

"it's weird- my mom won't tell them what actually happened so they treat me like they believe that i actually fell down a really fucking long flight of stairs, but they also think that i tried to jump off of my roof or something because of my arms and past hospital records," he laughed, i joined in as well.

"if you're ever feeling weird there, just text me and i'll be right over, i love spending time with you, even if it is in a hospital," i smiled. finn out his hand out on the table so the back of his hand was face-down, i put my hand on top of his and squeezed because 1. i love him and 2. i could see his scars because of the short sleeve t-shirt, and it reminds me that finn has his faults, but even so, we've been there for each other through thick and thin.

"we should probably get you back," i said nervously, finn pulled his hand back and nodded in agreement, we got up from the table and i helped him back to the car; when we were settled in, i turned to him and carefully pulled his jaw closer to mine, i kissed him slowly, like we shared the same breath.

i took finn back to his hospital room, his doctor was there. "what were you thinking?" he asked both of us, we looked down in shame, but not really in shame because neither of us regretted it.

"just- please don't do it again and i'll forget about it," he said before leaving. finn changed back into his hospital gown and kissed me again.

"happy valentine's day," he smiled, and i smiled as well. "happy valentine's day, my love."

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