24 ☜

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tuesday, january 11th, 2018.

finn checked the time on his phone, 3 A.M., he lifted his tired body off of the floor. he wasn't surprised that he'd fallen asleep; he wish he hadn't, his eyes stung and his back hurt... he'd been asleep since about 9:00 when he got to school. Finn heard bottles clanking in the kitchen, of course they were getting wasted. the absolutely exhausted boy carried himself to the bathroom, every step he took seemed to put more weight on his body.

The sink became beautiful white noise to his ears when Finn turned it on, he splashed chilly water in his face in an attempt to bring himself out of his funk, it didn't work. Finn still felt awful, his body ached, his innards felt like they were being squeezed, his eyes burned.

somehow, he knew what he had to do. finn picked up his phone and began to text jack, he needed to apologize for his outburst.

finn: im sorry about yesterday. im also sorry for texting you this early but I really needed to.

jack: you're fine- I've been awake and thinking of you. funny, I was just about to text you, no joke. but I wish you told me sooner about whats going on.

finn: its not that bad, and he never does it so its not a huge deal. he only hits me when I provoke him... like when I punched him. I was just overreacting earlier, I've been really paranoid and Henry doing that to me just made me feel worse.

jack: again, im terribly sorry about the whole Henry thing. when Sophia told me that she sent him after you, I got so scared, I looked everywhere. when I finally found you... it was too late.

finn: its fine- I just don't think I can handle this abuse anymore...

finn: can we please only be friends during school hours and outside of private places? tell Sophia that we decided it would be best not to date. tell her we're just going to be friends.

jack: you really don't want to be outed, do you.

finn: its not on my to-do list, no.

jack: does this mean I can't even hug you in public?

jack: because that sounds awful.

finn: yeah... sorry. I just can't risk it.

jack: i understand. and are you sure you're okay in you're house?

finn: yea, it's not bad. it hasn't happened since the bottle incident.

jack: okay. i love you.

finn: i love you more.

finn placed his phone on his bed and walked into the kitchen where he planned to grab a glass of water. "you're so awful," finn's mom giggled, obviously talking to whom finn had figured, steve.

"stop your giggling, it's making my head hurt," steve growled, mrs. wolfhard frowned. "don't be such a dick," she groaned, he looked at her monotonously.

"don't fucking call me a dick," the man hissed whilst taking another shot. "i can call you a dick if i want. you've hit my son on multiple occasions," mrs. wolfhard slurred. steve was fuming, he slapped the women across the face. finn rounded the corner from where he had been listening and pushed steve away from his mother.

"don't touch her like that!" the boy screamed; he tried to shield the weary women from his step dad.
steve grabbed finn's wrists and pushed him up against the wall, finn could feel his finger nails digging into his skin.

"steve stop, he doesn't know any better!" his mother cried, steve continued to watch finn struggle to pull his hands away. "don't you ever think you can tell me what to do, boy!" steve screamed in his step-son's face with. finn screamed at steve as this was all going down. steve threw finn to the ground after screaming, he grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled him close.

finn couldn't take anymore of this, he felt his body begin to shake. "steve please stop! he doesn't understand!" mrs. wolfhard screamed, but he didnt listen. "nobody cares about you. you hear me? your mother told me she doesn't love you, i don't either. if you want to make us happy, leave. we don't want you here, we don't need you here," steve growled before pushing finn's chest back to the ground and receding to his bedroom.

finn hugged himself on the floor, his mother stayed quiet. "i'm sorry," finn whispered as he felt tears slipping from his eyes. "i tried to protect you."

finn's mother mouthed i'm sorry to him and went to join steve in bed, she remained quiet and acted like everything was normal... just as she always did.

the curly haired boy couldn't get up, he didn't even feel like he could move; he didn't feel like he could speak. all finn wanted to do was disappear, there was so much pain in the world, he could barely handle that thought. how was he supposed to endure all of his own pain? finn finally built up the strength to get up, he snatched a bottle of his mom's rum and walked out of the house after also grabbing his phone and skate board.

as he rode down the street with the occasional burning pain spreading throughout his body, finn noticed the sky. he'd only noticed a distinct difference in the sky when he was with jack... it was beautiful. now, by himself, the sky was mug and seemed as if it too felt his horror.

finn came across a patch of trees and decided to travel inside, he found a bench and sat down. the boy pulled out the bottle and started to sip, the drink was the only thing that would help him now.

"thank you," finn murmured to the bottle as he sipped, he really had been grateful for this escape.

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