56 ☜

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sunday, february 27th, 2018.


finn's been sleeping soundly next to me for the last hour, i knew it was creepy to watch him but i couldn't help myself; finn's adorable when he's asleep. the room was silent until finn's phone went off, i quickly picked it up to silence it when i noticed that it was a text notification.


noah: how are you feeling?

i analyzed the text, why would he ask that? i scrolled up into their previous conversation, it was noah asking finn to meet up. did finn lie to me?

finn: what do you mean?

noah: the whole passing out thing? don't tell mr you're suffering from amnesia now

finn: oh i'm fine.

noah: and you got inside okay? no complications with the latter? i should've stayed and made sure you got inside okay.

finn: my memory is fuzzy from yesterday, what happened?

noah: we were at the cafe talking about the whole wyatt getting me drunk thing. i got scared when you were doubling over in your chair! you passed out after that so i took you back to my house... ringing any bells?

they went back to his house. i've got this terrible feeling in my stomach that something happened between the two of them.

finn: right... did anything happen between us?

noah: we didn't do anything, don't worry.

finn: it's weird that i passed out out of no where.

noah: definitely... yea...

finn: did i drink anything?

noah: you had a green tea in front of you when i sat down.

finn: right, yea.

finn: bye.

i carefully sat down finn's phone where it was before, i know i shouldn't have invaded his privacy and i know i should trust him more than this, but i need to ask him about it.

"finn," i whispered as i lightly shook him, he groaned and rubbed his eyes, "yea?" he asked groggily. "where were you yesterday?" i asked, "i went into town to grab something to eat, why?"

"oh, noah was wondering how you were after passing out," i said casually, finn seemed phased by this. "jack, i-"

"he promised you the truth, yea i saw the texts," i said, finn picked up his phone and read through our conversation, he seemed caught off guard by a certain message.

"noah brought me the tea," he said, "i felt bad before i drank it, but i felt awful afterwards."

"what are you saying?" i asked, finn gripped his hair and looked down at the sweatshirt he was wearing. "i-i didn't pay t-that much attention to it b-before, i-i'm wearing n-noah's sweatshirt," he said, my heart felt as if it stopped.

"take it off," i said, but she shook his head. he continued to do this as he gripped his hair harder and cried silently. "finn please," i begged, he sniffed and slipped off the sweatshirt. i still can barely look at finn like this, he's thin, very thin.

finn had bite marks and hickeys on his neck and chest, "oh my god," i whispered, finn stared at himself in the mirror, he eventually turned around and grabbed his phone, i could only wonder what he was going to do.

"what did you do to me?" he cried into the phone,
"why- why d-do i have hickeys?"

"y-you promised-!" he yelped, "you s-said y-ou wouldn't l-lie to m-me!"

"s-stop!" finn screamed before he threw his phone at the bed and fell to his knees, he gripped his hair again and rocked back and forth.

"finn... what just happened?" i asked cautiously, what else could i do? how could i help if i didn't know what was going on?

"h-he drugg-ed m-me," he choked out, i sat down next to him, he fell into me and cried. "j-jack h-he did s-something to m-me i can f-feel it," he said, which made my heart break. i could feel it too, i just didn't have the heart to say anything. there's only one reason noah could've had to drug finn, there's only one thing he could've done.

"shhh, shhh. you're gonna be okay," i whispered as i rocked us back and forth. "everything will be alright."

finn eventually fell back asleep, i picked him up and set him down in his bed, i left the room and walked outside, i sat down on the front porch and pulled out my phone. i called wyatt and asked him to get over to finn's ASAP, that i'd explain when he got here, and that's exactly what i did.

"he what?" wyatt yelled, i shushed him. "finn's window might be open," i explained, wyatt nodded his head.

"noah drugged him," i said, "and if nowh was truly worried about finn 'buckling over in his chair', then he would've taken him to the hospital, instead, he took finn to his house, where he woke up wearing noah's sweatshirt."

"do you think he-" i interrupted him before he could finish, "yea, i think he did, and i think finn thinks that too."

"what are we gonna do?" wyatt asked himself as he sat down on the porch and held his head in his hands. "there's only so much finn can take, he's already dealt with so much pain," he said.

"finn has finally seen noah's true colors," i frowned and sat down next to wyatt. "damn it," i hissed, i put my hand on wyatt's shoulder in reassurance. "we'll figure out what to do, we always do," i said.

"what if we don't?" he asked me, but i shook my head. "we'll figure out what to do, we always do," i repeated, wyatt hesitantly nodded his head and sighed. what if we don't?

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