40 ☜

488 20 2

monday, january 24th, 2018.


it was hard to get out of bed this morning, my head pounded. i looked around my room, which was dark, and my eyes settled on the rope hanging from my ceiling. i better take that down before my mom sees it. i quietly got up and stood on the chair to untie it, but i kept the noose. just in case. i slid the rope under my bed and pushed the chair back over to my desk before laying back down and checking the time. "5:30?" i groaned quietly, wyatt shuffled next to me.

"good morning," he mumbled into a pillow, i smiled softly. "i should head home," he said as he sat up. "ugh do you have to?" i asked, he frowned and nodded his head. "we've got school today, headass," he laughed.

wyatt climbed out of the bed and waved goodbye as he shut my door behind him, i sighed sadly. how am i possibly going to go to school today after yesterday? i got up and got dressed, then took my medicine and some pain relief to help my headache, then checked the time again, 6:40. i grabbed my bag and keys, then headed out.

when i walked into the school, the first person i saw was jack, he looked at me. i looked at him. i wish he'd talk to me. as he walked over to me, i felt blessed. "how- um- were you yesterday?" he asked, i shrugged in response.

"that's not an answer," he said, i furrowed my eyebrows. "do you really want me to tell you? because i really don't think you want to know and i really don't think i-i can talk a-about it right now," i said with a lump in my throat, i felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

jack studied my face for a moment before walking away, this broke my heart. it doesn't seem like he cares anymore, what happened? i walked to calc, which i knew was going to be awkward because i not only is jack upset with me, but we sit next to each other.

when i got to calc, i sat down and laid my head in my arms. i couldn't do school today. when the bell rang, i quickly picked up my stuff and went off to my next class. i ended up leaving school at lunch, i went to the park.

this was the perfect time of day to be outside like this, i wish i did this everyday. i felt the same pain i did this morning in my stomach, i hunched over and groaned, when it was over, i sat back up. ignore it. but for how long? as long as you have to. i felt my body begin to grow weak, my vision became blotchy and i fell to the ground before everything went dark.


"where's finn?" i asked as i sat down at the lunch table. millie, wyatt, jaeden, and sadie looked at me, "we thought maybe you two were talking your shit out somewhere..." millie said curiously, i looked around, i felt anxiety patches start to form on my chest.

"are you sure you guys haven't seen him?" i asked, they nodded, wyatt looked sick. "jack... i-i'm sorry,i need to talk to you," he said, i furrowed my eyebrows, "about what?" i asked, he shook his head. "not here, follow me."

wyatt and i ended up in the bathroom, he checked the stalls to make sure nobody was in here before he began talking. "i went to finn's yesterday, sometime after you left," he began, "i'm sorry, i've been keeping so much shit from you."

"finn, he- i don't even know how to say this... he texted noah, his psycho ex boyfriend and h-he asked for his shit. like... hard drugs. finn's payment left him numb. bad numb. that's when he hurt himself. a little bit after you left his house yesterday, i called him and asked if i could come over and settle our shit or whatever, when i got there? he was fucked. we got into it because he was fucked and i slapped him because he wouldn't let me leave and then-" wyatt looked like he was going to cry. "then what?" i asked, almost scared for an answer, my heart was beating fast.

"and then... i was sitting in my car- i saw him tying a-a rope to his fan," he said, and my heart dropped. "w-what happened after that?" i asked, he shook his head. "i ran back inside and he was already down, he didn't do it. we talked about shit and how you guys got into it and then we did and he's just been in a real bad place."

"thank god," i sighed, but my heart still hurt. bad place? why hasn't he told me? "are you worried he left to... do something?" i asked, wyatt shook his head. "i don't know."

we walked out of the bathroom, as we did, we heard the loud ringing of an ambulance in the distance. wyatt and i looked at each other before running over to a window, they looked like they were driving toward wyatt and finn's neighborhood.

my heart dropped, i ran to the office quickly. "please, i need to leave, my best friend is in danger right now," i plead, the lady sitting at the desk looked at me, unamused.

"he-he's a danger to himself! i'm sorry!" i yelled before running out the front door of the school, wyatt followed close behind. we grabbed some kid's skateboards and took off as fast as we could, when we saw the ambulances, they were at the park. finn's always at the park when he's not at home or at a friend's.

wyatt and i dropped the skateboards and ran over, we saw finn, looking frail, being picked up from the ground and being put onto a stretcher. please be okay. please be okay. further events would show me that he, in fact, was the opposite.

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