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friday, January 14th, 2018.

it had just turned 12 am, the jack and finn were fast asleep in finn's room and mrs wolfhard was on the phone with steve. "you can't come back here if you can't treat my son with respect," she spat, "you say that you and i are a we, but that includes finn. he is apart of this family, it's not wrong to be gay... there's nothing wrong with it!"

mrs wolfhard angrily hung up the phone, steve was being uncooperative and he was coming back in a few hours, what was she to tell finn? hey, your abusive stepfather is coming home today, be happy! yeah? no. there's no good way for that to go down, steve beats up on finn all the time and mrs wolfhard can notice the effect it has on her frail son.

The tired women held her head in her hands at her kitchen island, she would periodically take sips of the coffee sitting in front of her so she would be awake when steve came home. Finn had become more distant, and he wasn't going to therapy as much as he is now that steve is here. his mother noticed, how could she not? her son tried to kill himself a year ago and she thought it was because of steve, she could never stop paying attention to his behavior after that... especially after noah.

noah Schnapp had been finn's boyfriend before jack, and finn hadn't dated anyone for a while after him so his mother was surprised to see him in cuddled up in his bed with his best friend. Mrs wolfhard looked up when she heard jack stepping down the stairs, she smiled softly. "hey, jack. why are you not asleep?" she asked jack, he sat down across from her. "couldn't sleep."

"how's finn?" mrs wolfhard asked desperately, she was incredibly worried about her son; things had gotten bad, but never that bad. Steve had never taken it to that emotional level before, finn's heart must be broken. "he's doing okay, i think. he's fast asleep, i think not being at home was hard for him," jack chuckled. "probably not being in his bed, he couldn't care less about being here, i don't think he believes thinks this house is a home," she answered, the two sat in silence for a while before the clock chimed 1 am.

"you should get some sleep," jack said, finn's mom smiled somberly and walked upstairs, but before she did, she hugged jack. the brown-haired boy was now sitting in the kitchen by himself, he took a sip of mrs wolfhard's coffee and chuckled softly.

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