57 ☜

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monday, february 28th, 2018.

finn lie curled up in his bed with his black trasher hoodie on, he hadn't known what to do with himself. finn had only felt this pain once before, but it was a long time ago, he wasn't sure how he was supposed to heal again.

a soft knock came from finn's door before it opened, he sat up slowly to see who it was. "hey, finn," jack whispered like if he talked any louder, the world would end, but finn's already was.

"hi," finn replied softly before lying back down; jack cautiously made his way over to finn's bed and sat down, he placed his hand on finn's.

"how are you, um- feeling?" he asked, finn shook his head. "i'm scared," he answered with finality in his tone.

"i know, i know," jack whispered, finn shook his head again. "i-im scared y-you're gonna leave again," finn choked out, jack sighed. "i'm not leaving."

"you did before, when-" before finn could finish, jack interrupted him. "hey- i'm not leaving, that was an eternity ago. i'm not going anywhere," jack said.

"you said that back then too, minus the eternity part," finn sighed as he played with the strings on his sweatshirt. "i mean it, i'm staying," jack frowned as he tucked himself under the covers with finn.

"is this okay?" he asked, finn nodded. "i'm gonna go run a quick errand and then i'll be back," jack said before kissing finn's forehead, all finn could think about then was noah's lips being in the same place before, all those times where finn thought noah truly cared for him.

jack climbed out of the bed and left the house, he climbed in his car and made his way to noah's house; he'd picked finn up from there before so he knew where it was. jack parked his car and got out, he built up the courage to walk up to the door and knock, it took a minute for someone to answer.

"hello," a sweet looking woman greeted him, he smiled. "hi- i'm here for noah? i wanted to chat with him real quick," jack said, she nodded her head and smiled. "he's upstairs."

jack made his way up the stairs and opened a few doors before he found noah's room; jack walked in on noah smoking. "hi," jack said curtly, noah looked over at him with slight alarm.

"hey," the boy replied. "i'm not here to start anything, but i want you to know that i know what you did to finn, he knows too," jack said, noah basically took his mask off and slipped on a new one with a confused expression, it was all fake.

"what do you mean?" he asked, jack shook his head and shut the door. "noah you know exactly what i'm talking about. stay the hell away from finn, no exceptions. you're a sick person."

"finn's a sweet boy," noah said before taking a drag of his blunt, "but he's too naive. he should've known. i honestly didn't think that drug would take him down since he's built up a tolerance because of all the drugs we used to do but jesus- that shit really did some damage!" noah exasperated, jack was highly disgusted.

"if we're being honest, that wasn't the first time i'd did that. i messed up with bringing him the drink, though. and of course you probably noticed the hoodie. but anyways, the drug must've triggered something with his injuries, i was honestly kinda scared that something bad was gonna happen," noah sighed, jack confined to stay quiet.

"y'know, it isn't finn's job to realize what you're doing to him, it's your job to just not do messed up shit like that when he obviously trusts you!" jack yelled frustratedly. "that's what i mean! why would finn trust me after every stunt i pulled? even lying to him about the manipulation, he's gotta be fucking dense to not realize that i was bullshitting him," noah said, "god, i'm so high."

"i'm leaving. you're sick," jack growled as he left the room, he slammed the door behind him and ran out of the house, he could hear noah's, most likely, mom saying goodbye. he got back in his car and he could feel it, the tears. jack pulled out of the driveway quickly and found a parking lot to stop in, the tears came quickly after this.

i thought that i would be able to stay strong, i really believed that i wouldn't let this effect me, that i could protect finn. i will never be able to protect him the way he needs, but i can't leave again. i dialed finn and listened to the ringing until he eventually picked up.

"hey," he greeted with a sniff, he's obviously crying you idiot, help him!

"hey, love."

"w-when are you coming back?"

"i'm on my way, i just wanted to check on you."

"jack, thank you."


"for not leaving even though this is stressing you out big time, i can tell."

"don't worry about me, let's worry about you. okay?"

"not everything is about me, i have to look after you too."

"i know, i just- i guess it makes me feel weak?"

"needing to be taken care of doesn't make you weak, it just makes you human."

"thank you. i love you."

"i love you too. i'll see you soon."

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