10 ☜

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"jack?" jack opened his eyes to see his mother standing in the doorway, her gaze was set on the two boys hands.

"mom-" jack began to speak, but she interrupted him. " what the hell jack," she mumbled, she met his eyes. "we're talking about this later."

his mom walked out of the room, jack sat up and thought about the conversation they would have earlier. his mother isn't necessarily homophobic, she just has never wanted a gay son, and she probably is mad because finn snuck in and they sleeping together while holding hands.

this isn't how jack wanted his mother to find out, though. he was going to tell her eventually, he just wasn't ready. "jack?" finn asked whilst rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

finn remembered that he wasn't a huge fan of jack right now and scooted away from him a bit. "what am i doing here? why- why are we holding hands,-" finn held up their intertwined hands"-why does- ah fuck why does my head hurt like a bitch? jack what the hell?" finn was freaking out, he was so scared to be around jack, he knew he couldn't give in easily, jack may think finn is a pushover and make cheating a routine thing.

"you don't remember? you came to my window drunk- i got you to lay down after a while, but apparently you drank a hell of a lot," jack giggled a little bit but finn wasn't laughing.

"i'm gonna go home," finn said with a blank expression, he looked as if he remembered last night.

"how much did you drink?" jack asked again, he never got a straight answer from finn, "enough," finn replied with the same answer and walked out of jack's bedroom, a hot mess. Jack knew that finn wasn't okay, he couldn't remeber the night before. But- jack couldn't help but wonder, how often does finn do that to himself? he said he never told jack when he did it, does that mean he's been drinking for a while? the small boy was very confused, but he got up and walked down to the kitchen to talk to his mother.

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