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friday, january 14th, 2018.

finn stood in front of the doorway, it was to early for this, 5am. he wanted to slam the door. steve stood in front of him, he wanted to push finn out of the way, but he didn't.

"where's my wife?" steve asked, finn glared at him. "you mean my mother?" he spat, he tried to close the door on steve but he pushed it back open.

"stop fooling around, kid." steve walked into the house and went straight toward his bedroom. what was he going to do if he saw jack? finn panicked, he scurried back to his own room to see his boyfriend curled up on his phone.

"hey, did i wake you?" finn asked as he laid back down and covered up next to his boyfriend. "nah, i just woke up and you were gone."

"oh i'm sorry," finn giggled, he placed little kisses on jack's cheeks. "ahh stop!" jack laughed, he grabbed finn's face and studied his face for a moment before locking lips with him. their kiss was long and passionate, jack ran through finn's hair, finn grabbed the back of jack's neck to pull him closer.

when they pulled away, they both blushed. "i love you," finn gasped, jack giggled. "i love you too, finnie."

"finn honey?" finn's mother asked as she opened his bedroom door, she smiled at the sight of how finn looked happy laid up with jack.

"yea mom?" he asked, "could you send jack home soon? we have some things we need to do today," she looked at finn desperately, he knew what she was getting at.

"yeah, you cool with leaving soon, love?" finn asked jack, the boy smiled and nodded his head. "okay, awesome. thanks boys." mrs wolfhard left finn's room, jack got out of bed and slipped his shoes on, kissed finn on the cheek, and left.

finn got up off of his bed to join his mom in the kitchen, she was making breakfast. "whatcha makin?" finn asked, "scrambled eggs, i haven't made them in a while," she laughed.

"mom... you've never paid this much attention for a while. what's going on?" finn asked as he sat down on a barstool. "i just- what your stepfather said and how it effected you opened my eyes a bit more. i knew what was happening was bad but i didn't want to make him even more upset..." she replied.

"why has it taken you this long? we're the countless bruises and cuts not enough for you?" he asked, his mom turned around, confusion draped across her face. "cuts?"

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