49 ☜

385 16 24

saturday, february 12th, 2018.


i ignored my phone the first and second time the person called, but i was fully awake by the third call and i answered.



"oh, mrs.wolfhard, why are calling me at....3 in the morning?"

"i-i thought i s-should call y-you... something h-happened to finn."

"what happened..."

"i-i'm sorry, i s-should've waited t-to call you."

"it's no use now, i'm fully awake and now i'm not gonna be able to go back to sleep knowing something happened to him."

there was a long pause, i heard her steadying her breathing. "i know you know about steve, and he tried to pull finn out of his closet because he knew i was getting upset that finn hadn't been at school all week, when i tried to talk to steve about it tonight and all he did was get mad. so when he tried to pull finn out, finn freaked out and did everything he could to say in the closet but steve eventually got him out and-"

"and just yelled at him f-for a little, but then it got violent and finn's here in the hospital and it felt right calling you because you're his bestfriend..."

"can you come to the hospital?"

"i-i'm already halfway out the door."

"thank you, jack."

i hung up and drove quickly to the hospital, it seemed like every second that past was one that finn was in even more pain. i pulled up to the hospital and immediately jumped out and ran through the doors, i looked around frantically until i saw Finn's mom sitting in the waiting room crying; i walked over to the frail-looking women, who now also looked twice her age. "jack," she sighed as she stood up and hugged me.

"Hey," i said as i hugged her back, i was still looking around over her shoulder. "where's finn?" i asked,
she sat back down and looked as if she was going to start crying again. "the um- emergency room," she choked out, her voice sounded so strained.

i sat down across from her and put my hand on top of hers, "he's gonna be okay," i said, "he's gonna be okay." at this point, i didn't know who i was trying to convince. me, or her? After a while of waiting, which honestly felt like forever, a man who looked like a doctor came out. "Hello, you're the Wolfhard family, correct?" He asked, I quickly nodded my head, knowing they most likely wouldn't let me see him if I wasn't family. "I'm doctor Quincy, It's nice to meet both of you."

"Mrs. Wolfhard, may I speak to you in private?" he asked, his eyes glancing over at me. "Jack, do you think you could handle hearing this?" she asked, Ignoring the doctor's question. "Yes," I answered. "Alright..." Doctor Quincy sighed, "Finn has three broken ribs, a cracked skull, and a ruptured trachea. He's also suffering mild hysteria and a heart palpitation, which is something we have been worried about while watching his heart monitor."

"w-what does all of that mean?" finn's mom asked while i stood in shock. it was worse than i thought, though i should've known it was bad when the emergency room was mentioned.

"it means that he will recover after time, physically, but he may also have life long issues, mentally and physically. heart palpitations are concerning, and after he's sent home and is there for a few weeks, i want him back here for a screening," Doctor Quincy said, but mrs.wolfhard didn't seem to understand.

"what kind of screening?" she asked, which made doctor Quincy sigh. "a cap scan, we want to make sure than he isn't going to have any further issues than the ones that i listen, such as any cancers or heart diseases. though heart palpitations could also be caused by high levels of anxiety or stress, too much caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol."

i sat down, suddenly feeling weak. "can i see him?" i asked, the doctor seemed hesitant at first but nodded his head. "he most likely isn't going to be awake, but i'll have one of the nurses take you to him," he said. as i was walking away, i heard the doctor ask to mrs. wolfhard, "we need to talk about finn's mental health, what do you know about his... self harm?"

a nurse led me to his room and left soon after, i cautiously walked into the sterile room, not knowing what to expect. finn was laying still in the bed, looking badly beaten. i sat down in a chair next to his bed. "what did he do to you..." i asked, not expecting a reply, and of course, i didn't get one.

"how do i feel like this is my fault?" i asked with my head in my hands, "not everything is about you, jack, stop making this about you,"I told myself as i slowly lifted my head to the boy laying, beaten, in the hospital bed.

"how could you let him do this to you?" i croaked, a sob getting stuck in my throat. "please, wake up. wake up for me, i need to hear your voice. i need proof that you're not actually dead right now." i let out a small chuckle at what i said last, i knew he wasn't dead, but it didn't look like he was ever going to wake up, it didn't seem like i was ever going to head his voice again, hear his laugh, see his smile, his beautiful eyes.

"I'm sorry I-I haven't been talking to um- you lately," I choked out, tears threatened to drip down my cheeks like icicles. "I kn-know this is s-selfish but- I couldn't handle what's b-been going on with you-" I motioned to his body, "-lately, I'm so st-stressed out because I lo-love you s-so much!" I said, but it didn't really come out right. My throat felt swollen because I needed to cry so damn bad but I can't let myself, I need to be strong for him right now.

"Please," I groaned through stray tears that fell down my cheeks and onto my lips, into my mouth. "w-wake up!" I cried, I reached for his hand, and as I did, it moved towards mine, intertwining his fingers with my own. "f-finn?" I asked, but there was no answer. I guess my brain's just tricking me. I need you to wake up now, this silence is heavy, it's suffocating me, and I miss you.

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