52 ☜

391 13 4

Thursday, February 17th, 2018.


Today, my doctor told me that I'm going to be allowed to go home soon, but I'm going to have to go to an outpatient facility after school 'and we will discuss the dates when we get to that point.' The only good part about this, is that I'll be able to see my friends more. the reason I'm convinced that I'm getting the short end of the stick is because I have to go home to Steve.

"Good news," Doctor Quincy said as he entered my room, I looked up to him from my lap, awaiting an answer. "Your wounds are healing quite quickly, we may have you leaving sooner than we thought, you're just going to have to refrain from anything physical for a while."

I forced a smile as he came over and sat down in the chair next to me, "how are you feeling?" he asked me, I shrugged. "Finn, how did you get these injuries?" he asked. I thought about this for a moment. If I told him, Steve would have to leave. If I didn't? I could go on like normal. "I was riding my skateboard in the house, flew down the stairs," I answered with a chuckle. "I just don't understand, your injuries are too severe for a tumble down the stairs off of a skateboard. the hysteria?" he asked, but it was more to himself than it was to me.

"anyways, are you sure you don't want to see a psychologist of some sort while you're here?" he asked, I nodded my head reluctantly. Doctor Quincy sighed and left the room. I checked the time on my phone, 4:37p.m., he's not coming, finn. I sighed, but just as I did, there was a knock on the open door. I gasped out of happiness before realizing it wasn't jack, but noah. "hey," he smiled, I returned the gesture. "what're you doing here?" I asked anxiously, he could come at any minute and meet noah.

"I can't come visit you?" he asked with a chuckle and sat down at the edge of my bed. "hey-! I'm getting out soon!" I exclaimed excitedly, and noah seemed to share my excitement. "awe yay! I miss hanging out with you," he pouted, and just as he did, I saw jack walking down the hallway out of the corner of my eye, and soon, he was walking into the room.

"hey, finn," he smiled, noah turned around to see who it was. "who's this?" noah asked, "this is jack," I said. as if god wasn't listening to my prayers, jack asked the same question. "this is noah," I responded.

"oh," he laughed awkwardly. "it's um- nice to meet you I guess?" jack said with confusion which made noah visibly uncomfortable. "Jack can you come back later?" I asked, but he wouldn't budge. "I need to talk to finn for a second," he said with a smile, noah nodded, got up, and left the room.

"finn, are you serious? he's bad news," jack said, which made me scoff. "you aren't my parent, you don't need to control who I hang around. Noah's been kind to me, and I'm thankful for that. It'd be a pretty dick move if he did all of this shit for me and I just pushed him away," I answered, which only made jack mad. "stop it! don't you remember what he-!"

"yes, of course I do! you don't need to bring it up every single god damn time we talk about him, jack. all that shit about noah? people manipulated me, twisted my mind when I was vulnerable. sure, not too long ago there was that incident with him but he was drunk and didn't know what he was doing, it wasn't his fault!" I yelled.

"Okay, I get it. you're stressed out, In the hospital, going through a rough time, so I'll let all of this slide, but you're being really fucking stupid," he said, which upset me terribly. "you don't get to 'let things slide', what is happening to you?" I asked, but jack just shook his head.

"never mind, you obviously aren't going to take into consideration how I feel so im just gonna leave. I'll 'come back later'," he scoffed before leaving, which cued noah to come back in to the room.

"so you told him about our last relationship," he sighed, i nodded my head. "that's the ex boyfriend, right?" she asked, i nodded my head again.

"jack and i have some... unresolved feelings. god everything's so messed up. i'm so sorry you had to hear that, noah," i apologized but he shook his head.

"i'm gonna go, i don't want to cause any more problems," he said before walking out, "noah-! wait," i called, but he didn't stop, he was gone.

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