45 ☜

415 13 13

saturday, February 5th, 2018.


i opened my eyes slowly to see i was outside, for a second i forgot where i was until i saw the moon reflecting off of the water at the bottom of the cliff. i hummed, then wondered what i was resting my head on that was so comfortable. i lifted myself up and saw it was Noah, i remembered yesterday. noah was awake, he looked at me. " a headache?" he asked, i shook my head. "it'll hit me at some point," i laughed.

"what time is it?" i yawned as Noah checked his phone, "three-twenty seven am," he responded, "oh shit," i muttered. "what's wrong?" he asked me, i shook my head as i picked up my phone.

27 missed calls from mom.

1 missed call(s) from Steve.

13 unread messages from mom.

5 unread messages from bubba💖.

"fuck," i groaned as i rested my head in my hands, "finn, what's going on?" Noah asked me, i shook my head again. " I've been away from home for two days," i responded.

"you need to get home," he said, i almost disagreed but he stood up, grabbed my hand, and pulled me up. "let's get you home, okay? I'll drive you, i don't want you to get into an accident. where did you park?" i led Noah to my car, i got into the passenger seat and he got into the driver's seat, we made our way to my house, and when we arrived, we both got out, only to see Jack walking down the sidewalk heading toward my house with his phone in his hands.

"I'll text you, okay? get some good rest, you need it," Noah said before kissing my forehead, i blushed nervously as Noah walked away to head home, he conveniently didn't live very far from me.

"finn?" Jack called out pleadingly, i turned around to see him looking at me like he'd seen a ghost. "when your parents called me- they said you hadn't been home for two or so days, i got so worried... i thought about when you left school yesterday morning and how i should've stopped you... where have you been?" he asked, but i didn't feel like explaining.

"it's not a big deal, I'm just really tired, i need sleep, bad. got should head home and do the same, you look tired," i chuckled. "no shit i look tired, I've been restless worrying about where you've been, the least you could do is at least give me a surface answer."

"i was thinking. there. now goodnight," i huffed before heading to climb up the side of my house. "finn? who was that who was just here?" jack asked. shit. "Noah." i turned around to see Jack's mouth had fallen agape. "you're not gonna do anything stupid tonight, are you?" he asked, i shook my head and climbed up to the roof before opening my window and quietly jumping inside. 

Once I laid down on my bed, I felt my head begin to pound, but I was ridden with slumber before I could think twice about the pain. I woke up from what felt like eighty hours of sleep to my mom hugging me furiously and Steve standing in the doorway. "Where were you? I was going to call the police!" She exclaimed. I shrunk down sheepishly, my head hurt too terribly for her to be talking this loud. 

"Finn, where were you. You worried your mother sick," Steves growled. When I didn't respond, he stormed over and grabbed my wrist, he pulled me up from where I was hiding in my blankets. "Look at me boy, where were you!" he yelled, I squeezed my eyes closed. "Steve, stop it!" my mom yelled, he used his other hand to push her away.

"Don't touch her!" I yelled at him, I lunged forward and knocked him to the ground. Steve rolled over so he was on top of me and held one had to my neck, the other was a fist that kept colliding with my face. My vision got spotty as he strangled me, as soon as I could've sworn all oxygen left my body, he got off of me. I inhaled deeply and coughed vigorously, my face stung and pounded every time I did.

I could barely hear my mom and Steve talking as I still laid on the floor, their voices were muffled to me. I picked myself up and left the house, of course, they didn't notice me walking out,  how could they? they were too busy bickering. I wanted to call jack, I wanted him to comfort me, but I can't, and he won't, so I did something I normally wouldn't do. still standing in the doorway of my house, I heard the two adults that were fighting leave my room. I shut the door behind me and ran around the side of the house and climbed up to my room. I grabbed my 5-gram bag of weed and climbed back down to the grass.


me: meet me somewhere... 

me: woods.

noah: oh?

me: I've got gas.

noah: are you sure?

me: yes. let's do it. 

noah: alr, why don't I just meet you at your house?

me: not a good idea. I'll meet you. North-East side.

noah: when?

me: now.

noah: omw.

me: see you soon.

I climbed into my car and drove, my vision was still blurry and I was still heaving for breath, but this would help me calm down. I'm panicking. Once I got to my destination, I quickly got out and looked around for Noah, only to see him walking to me, as he got closer, I noticed his smile began to fade.

"what the fuck happened to you?" He asked worriedly as he ran up to me, he held the sides of my face in the palms of his hands. "Nothing, let's just go smoke," I said, but Noah shook his head. "Not until you tell me whats going on," he said, "...was it a jealous boyfriend? the guy who was walking to your house last night, he saw me kiss your forehead, yea? was that your boyfriend?" he asked, I shook my head. "No, it wasn't jack... and he's not my boyfriend, not anymore."

Noah's eyes continued to wander my face until his thumb swiped some fresh blood. "Finn,t-this just happened, didn't it?" he asked, I nodded hesitantly. Noah rested his forehead against mine. "You're going to be okay, Finn. Things don't suck forever." 

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