14 ☜

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i was laying in bed with my stinging body when i heard it, rocks hitting my window. i lifted myself up and out of bed after the third rock, i looked outside, i saw jack; jack began to climb the side of my house and onto the roof, he sat outside my window and looked at me.

"you gonna let me in?" he asked, i rubbed my burning arm. "it's 3 A.M. jack," i laughed, jack gave me a pouting look, i unlocked the window and pushed it up.

"c'mon in," i said, giving in to the pretty boy. "thanks, finnie," jack smiled, he put his legs through and jumped down to the floor.

he traveled over to my bed and laid down, it's been a while since he's been here. i wonder if he missed me.


a pang of sadness kicked my gut, but i sat down next to jack and laid down. "why'd you, um- decide to come over?" i asked, jack smiled, i could barely see it in the dark but the moon was just bright enough shining through my window that i could see his figure clearly.

"i cant just stop by to see you?" jack giggled whilst pushing my arm, which still very much stung from the scorching water and my vigorous rubbing.

"at 3 in the morning? how'd you even get out of your house without your mom hearing you?" i questioned him, he turned his head from the ceiling to me.

"i couldn't stop thinking about you, okay?" he admitted, he pushed some stray hair out of his face while he spoke. jack was as cute as ever, why couldn't he understand how much i feel for him? does he realize how much his restrained love, hurts me?

"good thing i was awake, then," i said, i let my eyes wander his face, his eyes were empty and his breath smelled of mint gum and blueberries.

"i'm so in love with you, finn. i still feel awful about this whole thing," jack went on to say, he didn't realize he was making me panic.

i couldn't talk about something like this right now, i almost had a breakdown earlier and now this, i don't want jack to see me like this.

"h-have you looked at the sky tonight?" i asked him, trying not to let my voice break. "why?" he asked, "it's so beautiful," i answered, all the tension i was feeling was leaving.

"like you," jack whispered into my ear, the tension returned and i grabbed a fist full of sheets in my hand, jack hadn't noticed.

"just know, you have nothing to be worried about. just please don't pay attention to me or sophia tomorrow, i don't want you to hurt," jack whispered to me, his breath was heavy and hot.

"i love you, finn," jack tried to grab my hand, that's when he noticed how tense i was. he felt my first shaking and gripping the sheets, i shot up and ran to the bathroom; i leaned over the toilet and vomited.

"finn!" jack shouted, soon realizing he should've been more quiet. "i-i'm sorry im just not, um, not used to us again," i lied. i shakily picked myself up off of the floor and forced a laugh.

"finn?" my mother called groggily from the hallway, i quickly ushered jack into my closet. "everything's good, mom," i whispered, my throat was on fire.

"honey, you have to be quieter, you're going to wake steve," she said, but then narrowed her eyebrows "did you just throw up? are you okay?" she asked, i smiled.

"all good, just something i ate," i laughed, it wasn't a real laugh, though. "get to bed, boy!" i heard a yell from my mom's room, steve. i kissed my mom's cheek before shrinking back and returning to my room.

when i opened my closet door to let jack out, he was gone, i looked toward the window and it was open. he left. i sighed, not sure whether to be sad or relieved, and laid back down on my bed to get some rest.

filler chapter, i'm sorry. this was a bit of a representation of how finn feel's right now, i guess. the whole ordeal is a bit overwhelming for him, especially because of his step-dad, whom is a huge part of his life which he wish he could escape from.

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