18 ☜

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finn and i ended up on the boardwalk, we sat down at a small independent ice cream shop which was ironic because it's winter, and it's closed... because it's winter.

finn turned his head to look at the frozen water down below us, he seemed to get lost in it which brought a scary thought to my mind. what if he literally got lost in the water?

i shook the thought away and stared at his face, he looked thoughtful. i wonder what he's thinking about?

"finn?" i asked, he kept looking out to the water but soon turned his head towards me, i knew what he was thinking. the scenery is beautiful. too beautiful to take your eyes off of? yes. enjoy it. let it sink into your mind and corrode your thoughts but in a good way.

"yeah?" he asked, he was now looking at me the same way he looked at his surroundings. complete and unmistakable love. this made my insides do backflips.

"thank you, for this walk i mean. it's been nice to hang out with you," i said, making the frail boy involuntarily smile real wide.

"are you serious? i should be thanking you," finn uttered whilst making paws out of his sweatshirt sleeves.

i kept my eyes on him, it was the small things he did that were so adorable. rubbing his sweater paws together to stay warm while letting out small breaths to see the cloud he could make, or when he taps his foot to his favorite song without any music. finn also looks at everything and everyone with purpose, he never makes anyone feel like they're anything less than what they are. i love this about him.

suddenly, finn got up from the chair he was sitting in and stretched, i looked away from him to notice the sun was setting. "oh wow," i uttered, he looked at me, "i know," he smiled goofily and grabbed my hand to assist in me getting up.

i stretched as well, finn was still holding my hand. "y'know, i'm really glad you forgave me," i said, i knew it was risky because it could put him in a mood, but it really did make me happy that he's not upset with me anymore.

"honestly same," finn admitted, he smiled and squeezed my hand. as we headed back to his house, i could feel him shivering, i pulled him closer to me to help him warm up, and in the corner of my eye, i could see a smile creep onto his face.

he climbed through his window and blew me a kiss, i caught it and blew him one as well, i began to walk back to my house when i got a text from finn.

finnie🌷: you better save that kiss.

me: i wouldn't lose it for the world.

finnie🌷: you're so lame bubba.

me: shut up. you better save my kiss as well.

finnie🌷: how could I not?

I smiled down at my phone screen as the streetlights that lined the road flickered on, I looked around and as if all of a sudden, I began to see the world in such vivid color. The night was silent, I could hear the sound my feet made every time they hit the ground. I looked around again, there was no color anymore, only a faint blush of purple in the sky littered with stars.

When I got home, I skipped up the stairs and into my room, I hopped onto my bed and immediately pulled out my phone in hopes of receiving a text from finn. No luck, of course. I mean we did just see each other less than an hour ago. whilst my doubtful thoughts, my phone lit up with a message.

finnie🌷: what do you do when you're hurt?

me: why do you ask?

finnie🌷: just wondering. so?

finnie🌷: what do you do?

me: emotional or physical?

finnie🌷: both.

finnie🌷: asking for a friend.

I stared down at my phone, was he being serious? I didn't like where this was going, I've always worried about stuff like this, it makes me anxious. I shakily texted back.

me: emotional, i listen to music. physical, i ice the wound or wrap it up or whatever.

finnie🌷: okay.

I read over the word about a million times. okay. okay. okay? okay. okay.okay.okay.ok-ok-ok-ok. what did he expect from me? I wanted to type something back, but nothing came to mind. what does one say in a situation like this? I definitely don't know, i've never been good at this. will my personal preference help finn's friend? I've come up with some words.

me: who's your friend?

finnie🌷: you don't know him.

me: is he- you?

finnie🌷: no. I said you haven't met him.

me: the bad side, I mean.

finnie🌷 is typing...

read at 11:53 pm

Did i offend him? if i did, i didn't mean to. finn's done this before, which is making this scarier. once again, i was at a loss for words; i want to text finn, but i have no words. is he going to be alright? i want to head head back to his house and cuddle up with him in his bed, i want everything to stop and to never change. i want to stay here, with finn, forever.

ᴋᴍᴛᴛᴘ | ғᴀᴄᴋOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora