32 ☜

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monday, january 17th, 2018.

when finn's high ended, he was a mess. his head hurt like crazy, post-high is something you should never want to experience. when finn got home, he b-lined for his room and immediately set his book-bag down lightly, trying to make as little sound as possible, and laying down on the hardwood floor.

finn curled up into a ball and cradled his head in his hands, he was one of the only people that knew his own confidence was a facade that was slowly, yet surely, cracking. after a few hours of finn laying on the floor on the verge of a mental breakdown, his mom came home. "finn! i grabbed dinner on my way home!" mrs wolfhard yelled so finn could hear her from whichever part of the house he was in.

finn came strolling out of his bedroom, his hair was a mess and he looked slimmer, more pale, sicker. "everything alright?" his mother asked him, he nodded. "okay... i brought you home your favorite strawberry-chicken salad, make sure you eat some of it," mrs wolfhard cooed as she rubbed his back, she walked away.

"where's steve?" finn asked just as his mother was about to leave the room, "he's just needing some space right now, he'll be back though," she answered before leaving the kitchen to go to her bedroom.

finn stared at his food, strawberry-chicken salad, he then looked down at his wrists, which were somewhat-abnormally thin. "mom! i'm heading out!" finn yelled, this sent a sharp pain to his head. mrs wolfhard came into the kitchen to see where he was going, but he was gone before she could. all that was left was his salad.

when finn arrived at his destination, he sat down on a swing in the midst of the moon and dragged his feet on the ground. finn had been pretty proud of himself, he'd always done a good job at controlling his munchies, today especially, hell... he's still as hungry as a bear during the winter but he couldn't give in.

finn felt someone sit down next to him on a swing, when he looked up, he saw wyatt. "what are you doing here?" finn asked which made wyatt chuckle. "i saw you from across the street, i had a gut feeling you were gonna be here... i could just feel it."

"aren't you smart," finn laughed, which again, made his head pound. "are you doing okay?" wyatt asked as he placed a hand on finn's shoulder, the slender boy didn't know how to answer, being 'okay' is a weird term. you're not always gonna be okay, everyone's made out of glass, it breaks. it shatters.

"sometimes i am," finn answered, he fumbled with his hands in his lap. "i'm sorry for smoking you up this morning," wyatt said, finn looked up from his lap at wyatt. "why are you sorry?" finn asked.

"i shouldn't have listened to you, i should've stuck with my gut. i know your meds make you feel better, i don't want to take that away from you."

"wyatt please, don't say that," finn laughed anxiously, he really didn't know how to deal with situations like this. "i can't not say it, though. i feel awful. how do you feel? do you feel okay?" wyatt asked, he reached out to finn's wrist to check his pulse for palpitations, but finn pulled away.

"finn?" wyatt asked, he made eye contact with the slim boy. he studied finn's face, he looked absent. "huh?" finn shook his head and came back from wherever he was, "uh- yea, just a headache. so far it hasn't gotten bad... really, i think this time is different!" finn smiled tiredly, it showed in his eyes, it wasn't real.

"last time is hard to beat, so yea it's probably not gonna be like last time... but i don't want it to get there, so please don't over do it, okay? all of those drugs are what got you there, i don't want that to happen again," the brown haired boy plead whilst holding eye contact with finn.

finn began to feel his heart beat rapidly, "i won't let it get that bad again, i promise," finn said, wyatt put a hand on his chest and let out a sigh of relief jokingly, the two boys laughed along with each other.

"i've missed you, y'know," the black haired boy pouted, wyatt chuckled, "shut up, loser."

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