25 ☜

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tuesday, January 11th, 2018.


january 11th, the first day of the year that finn hadn't made it. he was okay, right? he texted me and he seemed fine. sick? skipping? both pretty reasonable explanations, they both just seem like him.

I pulled out my phone to text him, but i decided to call him instead. It took four rings for him to answer, "hey! I've missed you today... where are you? are you sick?

"i... yea I'm sick..."

"aw... do you want me to come hang out with you after school?

"that's not the best idea."

"i um... don't want to get you sick."

"well thanks for looking out for me but i think being there for you is more important than getting sick... because i really don't care if i get sick."

"well, that and... my um- parents don't want anyone coming over while I'm sick."

"that's bogus. ill sneak over."

"i really don't want to see anyone right now."

the line went silent. was he serious? all i want to do is hang out with him...

"I've gotta go." finn said before hanging up. I hate to think about this but he's kind of being selfish right now, isn't he thinking about how I feel about not being able to see him? I get that he's sick but all I'm trying to do is be a caring boyfriend... boyfriend?

Once the final bell rang, I headed to the parking lot to hop in my car and head to Finn's house. on the way there, I swore I saw him walking around. I parked on the side of the road and looked around. probably just tired. I thought. I hopped back into the front seat and drove the rest of the way. I parked down a couple houses and ran up to Finn's window. knock. knock. knock. nothing. I walked around to the front door and knocked.

Of course, Finn's mom answered. "is finn here?" I asked. Mrs. Wolfhard fumbled with her hands. "um- jack he hasn't been home since last night. I was hoping maybe he left to be with you," she answered. My heart dropped.

"w-what?" i couldn't have heard her clearly. he called me this morning, he's okay. "he walked out last night," she said.

"he- he called me this morning, i think he's alright," i told her, her eyes lit up. "oh my! what did he say? did he say where he was? did he... did he tell you what happened?" she was excited but as she spoke her voice got darker.

"no... what was it?" i asked, she looked around anxiously. "you're his best friend jack. please take care of him for me," she whispered before shutting the door, before she did, i looked past her to see a gruff looking man. his step dad. of course.

i called finn a million different times, and he never picked up once. how long was he going to keep this up? i kept driving around until i remembered when i thought i saw him earlier, maybe he saw me stop and ran.

i drove back and hopped out, im sure i'll find him here. i jog around, looking for any sight of him until the sun started to set. i don't think i'm going to find him out here.

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