53 ☜

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friday, february 18th, 2018.


i walked into school today glumly, there's so much on my mind right now. i grabbed my books from my locker and went to calc, when i sat down, i couldn't stop thinking about how much i missed sitting next to finn in this class. how much longer will he be gone?

i sighed and nearly zoned out for the entire class period, when i did this, finn would normally be the one to bring me back from my head. he wasn't here to do that, he hasn't been here to do that. i miss him so much, does he miss me? am i allowed to text him while we're fighting, call him, anything? are we even fighting?

the bell rang and i got up to go to world history, but ran into wyatt on my way out. "hey," he said, he stopped walking, grabbbed my free hand with his, and looked me in the eyes. "how are you holding up?" he asked, i looked away.

"not well. um- i think we're fighting again," i sighed, i looked back up at wyatt who looked confused. "noah was there yesterday when i went to visit after school."

"ohh my god," wyatt groaned and let go of my hand to run his fingers through his hair frustratedly. "he's seeing him again?" he asked, i just nodded. have they seen each other more? i know finn stayed at noah's house that one night, did they do anything? did noah do something to him? noah's brainwashed him.

"i think something real bad is happening with them," i said, wyatt just nodded his head. "i wouldn't suspect any different," the curly haired boy said.

"do you remember the last time they were dating?" wyatt asked me, i hesitantly nodded. "why do you think finn always avoided any situation where we would meet noah, hell, when he'd avoid even talking about him?"

"i-i dont know..." i answered, and truthfully, i didn't. "because they were doped up every single time they hung out, doing only god knows what drugs. that, or they were probably in a fight, or noah was hurting him," wyatt said, which made me anxious.

"noah has never been anything but toxic for finn, he's naive enough to believe that he's changed, or-" i interrupted wyatt before he could say anything else, "finn said something about how people manipulated him into thinking that his relationship with noah was the most toxic thing, he was in a vulnerable place so he told himself the lies enough to the point where they were his truth," i said.

"who do you think fed him that lie? fucking noah! noah has finn eating out of his hands!" wyatt yelled, which made people turn and look at us. "we better continue this conversation in a more private area" i said, wyatt nodded.

"i'll meet you in the parking lot during lunch, we'll have an hour," wyatt said, i nodded in agreement and we parted ways. now, i couldn't take my eyes off of the clock, i was filled with anticipation for lunch.

"hey," wyatt greeted me as i walked up to him, he was leaning up against his car, anxiously looking around. "so where did we leave off?" i asked, which made wyatt sigh.

"jack, i- i don't know what to do. it's our responsibility as his friends to help him through this, but how can we help him when he's so intent on seeing the best in that awful guy?" he asked. i looked down to my feet, then back up at wyatt.

"we need to get noah to show his true colors," i suggested, wyatt sighed again. "that'll hurt finn-"

"there's no way to prevent finn from getting hurt in this situation, we have to do good by him by showing him who noah truly is," i said, "and if finn decides that even after he sees who noah truly is that he wants to be with him, then we will know that we tried our best."

"alright. let's do this."

after school, wyatt came back to my house. we took refuge in my room to come up with a plan, what was the best way to get the real noah to come out? truthfully, we had trouble coming up with ideas, this wasn't going to be easy.

"this seems impossible," i frowned, "how are we gonna do this?" i asked. "so y'know that incident with noah and finn not too long ago? when noah gave finn the drugs and noah hurt him?" wyatt asked, my eyebrows furrowed.

"last time i saw finn, he brought up something about whenever noah came over to give him the drugs... did he do something to him? i just... you told me finn's payment left him numb, and then finn said that there was an incident with noah and he was drunk, he 'didn't know what he was doing', and 'it wasn't his fault'," i asked, wyatt looked extremely uncomfortable.

"jack... noah did something really bad to finn," he said, and i got the memo. "that asshole!" i yelled, i stood up and started pacing around my room.

"jack i know you're upset but we have to stay on track, i was going somewhere with that and i don't want to lose my train of thought," wyatt said, i took a deep breath and sat back down.

"we need to get noah drunk, based on what finn's said, he doesn't handle his alcohol well. you'll need to go to the hospital, i'll call noah and say that finn said he wanted to see him, and we need to get noah to catch you two kissing. again, he needs to be drunk," wyatt said. a lightbulb lit up in my head.

"what if you hang out with noah, get two water bottles and say that you're both drinking vodka but really you'll be drinking water, then eventually say that you two should go visit finn!" i exclaimed proudly, we're going to bust him. noah's done for.

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