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friday, february 25th, 2018.


today, i woke up in my own bed for the first time in what has felt like forever. i roller over sleepily, i haven't heard yelling this morning, which is out of the usual for my house. i lifted myself out of bed slowly and left my room, i peered around each corner of the house, nothing.

"mom...?" i called cautiously, i heard her hum from the kitchen, i made my way there. "when did i get home?" i asked, she looked up from her book and set it down on the kitchen counter.

"i brought you home early this morning, you had some anesthetic in your system so you had an easy ride here, the doctors were anxious, they didn't want something to happen," she said. "where's steve?" i asked.

"um- he's taking another break," she said, i hummed in response. "you should go back to bed, get some rest," she said, but i shook my head. "it's friday, right? aren't i supposed to be at school? mom, i really need to get back, ive been gone for so long," i pleaded, but she ignored me.

"finn, you're in bad shape. go get some rest," she sighed. i frowned and made my way back to bed, i tucked myself in and picked up my phone to check it.


noah: can we talk?

me: no.

noah: it's taken a lot of courage to text you

me: waste of courage, you shouldn't have.

noah: there's so much more to what happened at the hospital than you know.

noah: let me explain, please.

me: you're just going to lie to me again.

noah: i'm a lot of things, but i never lied to you and i don't plan on starting now.

noah: if you don't want to see each other, just call me, but it would be better to meet up.

me: if we meet up, it has to be in public. lots of people.

noah: i wouldn't hurt you, but okay. where?

me: meet me at cafe moxo, i'm leaving now.

noah: see you soon.

i took a shaky breath and slipped on my shoes, as i was heading out, my mom stopped me. "woah, woah, woah. where are you going?" she asked, i shook my head. "i have to go," i said as i grabbed my keys, she tried to stop me but i was already in my car and on my way to the cafe.

i parked and took another shaky breath, my body was aching, but i decided to ignore it. i slowly climbed out of my car and went inside, i grabbed a table and waited. after about five to ten minutes, noah sat down across from me with a drink for me, and a drink for him. i gladly took a drink from the, what tasted like, green tea he'd set down in front of me, i drank it until it was basically empty, even though it had a weird taste.

"so..." he said, i took a deep breath and began playing with my hands in my lap. "wyatt got me drunk," he said, i felt my eyes widen.

"w-what?" i asked, noah nodded his head. "after he got me drunk, he brought me to the hospital, so when that whole thing happened, i was jacked on vodka. i-i avoid alcohol, you know this, i avoid it because i know how it makes me act. i wouldn't have drank if i knew we were going to visit you afterwards," he said, i began itching my arms.

"noah i-i can't-"

"i know, what happened was horrible. i just wanted to tell you that i'm sincerely sorry, and that i didn't mean for any of that to happen." and with that, silence filled the atmosphere.

i felt a sharp pain in my chest, it felt as if my heart was fluttering. "a-ah," i groaned as i hunched over in my chair, noah sat up in alarm. "finn? what's happening?" he asked, he stood up and came over to me to try and figure out what was wrong.

my heart began pounding vigorously and my ribs ached, i began to feel light headed. "i-i- fuck," i breathed out, i doubled over in my chair, noah slowly picked me up and took me out of the cafe, he put me in his car and began to drive somewhere, before i could figure out where, i passed out.

i woke up in a sweat, noah's room. noah's bed. noah's sweatshirt. what am i doing here? i looked around anxiously, searching for answers as to what happened.

"you're awake," noah said as he walked into the room, i sat up quickly, but a sharp pain flew threw my body so i decided it would be best if i took it easy, i sat up against his backboard.

"w-what am i doing here?" i asked, noah looked confused. "you passed out, you don't remember?" he asked, i shook my head. "weird." i nodded.

"wait- if you drove, what happened to my car?" i asked, "left it at the cafe," he answered.

"can you drive me to get it? i need to get home, it's late," i said as i picked up my phone to check for notifications, both jack and my mom had tried to reach out.

"you shouldn't be driving, something's wrong," noah said, i frowned. "can you at least take me home?" i asked, he nodded and helped me to his car.

the drive back to my house was silent, until i decided to swallow my pride. "thank you, i mean, for taking care of me," i said as i turned my head to look at him, he kept his eyes on the road. "it's not a problem, im always here," he laughed.

we pulled up in my driveway, i was painfully slow getting out of the car, noah hopped out and came around to help me to the ladder on the side of my house.

"take care of yourself," he said before leaving. i sighed and climbed up, doing this made my entire body burn. once i made it up to the roof, i laid down and felt myself drifting. i closed my eyes and fell asleep.

saturday, february 26th, 2018.

"finn?" i opened my eyes to jack hovering over me, the sun was rising. "oh my god, i thought you were dead."

"i'm good," i said, i internally hissed as i sat up, pain streaking through my body. "will you help me inside?" i asked, he nodded. jack got me inside, i fell down into my bed, and god did it feel good.

"what happened to you last night?" he asked, "i was kinda really worried." i sighed, i knew i couldn't tell him the truth. "i smoked a lot last night to try and ease the pain, i ended up passing out on my roof," i laughed.

"you're so silly," jack laughed as he jumped onto my bed and cuddled me. i feel so weak next to jack now, he's so much stronger than i am. we used to be going steady, now? we're off-roading.

"remember, i'm one call away," jack whispered into my ear, i giggled and nodded my head. "thank you."

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