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bubba💖: hey finnie, whatchu up to?

me: not much wbu?

bubba💖: well, about to ask the cutest boy ever if he wants to hang out with me!!

me: oh.

bubba💖: so?

me: have fun.

bubba💖: no silly, what's your answer?

me: to what?

bubba💖: do you wanna hang out or not?

me: awe you're sweet. yes of course. im not the cutest, you are.

bubba💖: obviously we've come across some controversy. you're the cutest. not me.

me: shut up. when do you wanna hang?

bubba💖: well, I'm totally not on my way to your house right now...

Shit. not good. not good. steve will flip the fuck out.

me: cant hang at my house, my mom's sick. i dont want you to get sick.

bubba💖: gotcha. meet me outside? let's go for a walk.

me: sounds like fun. I will meet you outside.

bubba💖: i love you, finnie.

me: same to you sunshine.

i slip my phone in my pocket, threw on a sweatshirt, and climbed out my window. my parents would probably figure out that i was gone, it's the middle of the day for god's sake, but i can come up with something.

"finnie!" jack yelled, he ran up and hugged me, i wrapped my arms around him tightly. i could feel his arms against my thin frame which made me feel uncomfortable, but i could manage.

"where should we go?" jack asked, "let's start walking and see where our feet take us," i shrugged, jack smiled at my idea, he always loved when i said things like that, he finds the thoughts poetic in a way.

We were walking and talking for a while, we caught up on the things we'd missed out on when I was upset with him. Favorite movies, aspirations (which may not have changed), recent dreams, story ideas, and everything else you'd want to know about someone.

Jack and I have always been close, so it's weird getting to know him again, but in a way, it's interesting. I almost enjoy getting to know him again because I know I'm welcoming someone back into my life that could turn my life upside-down, he's one hundred percent worth every secret, every tear, every hello, every goodbye, every word. every feeling.

"Where'd you go?" jack asked me, I stopped and turned to look at him, only now realizing we've gotten all the way downtown where they've put up beautiful lights, like they do every year, for Christmas.

"huh?" I tilted my head a bit in confusion, "You spaced for a second, what were you thinking about? I want to know the beautiful mind of finn wolfhard."

"I was just thinking about you," I blushed, he giggled, "You don't have to think about me, silly. I'm right here!" Jack jumped on me and wrapped his arms around my figure again. "Thank you," I murmured, thinking he wouldn't hear me.

"for what?" he asked, he pulled out of the hug but he now held my hands in his. "For being here. For really being here," I said, putting emphasis on the really. It meant the world to me that he was putting the effort into trying again whilst knowing how much it was going to take to get me to forgive him if i even decided to.

"I should be thanking you. You let me come back, I was so scared I was going to lose you and I still kind of am," jack mumbled whole-heartedly. "what do you mean?" I asked, "Its nothing- I just know you go through a lot, everyone gives you so much shit. you don't deserve it, finnie. I would never wish upon somebody the hurt that you have to endure, so it pains me that you, of all people, have to. I can't stand it!" Jack exasperated, i've gone speechless.

"do you really care that much?" i asked, please say yes. "of course," he said yes.

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