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Today's chapters song- time after time by Cyndi Lauper

(Y/n) POV

"So did you guys have a good time?" My Mum asked (b/f/n) and I, as she changed from gear one to two.

"Oh my god, it was sooo so so good! I finally got to meet Jack and he was better then I imagined. His finally hit puberty too so his actually started to grow he might even be taller than Finn actually. Or close to it." (B/f/n) said super quickly and out of breath at the end.

"OH AND (y/n) GOT FINN WOLFHARDS NUMBER!" (B/f/n) yelled out in the car.

"(B/f/n) shhhhh! I wasn't going to tell her yet!" I said in a whisper yell.

"Oh my god, you bet a tarn tootin you were gonna tell me. Whose Finn Wolfhard?" Mum said looking in her mirror to look me in the eyes. I instantly blushed, I hated talking to Mum about this stuff, just because of well. Dad. But anyways.

"Finn Wolfhard plays in my favourite series stranger things and my favourite horror movie it Mum." I said rolling my eyes and looking out the car window watching the city lights blur past.

"Ooooo (y/n) got a boyfriend." Mum said giggling as she took a left turn into our apartment driveway.

"His not my boyfriend." I said rolling my eyes stepping out of the car and going inside with (b/f/n) closely following behind me. We went to the elevator and went to floor 12 room 22.

I belly flopped onto the bed with (b/f/n) flopping too. I looked into her eyes and then she smiled at me.

"What?" I asked her confused.

"Don't what me. Text him!" (B/f/n) practically screamed excitedly trying to grab my phone from my hand. I jumped off the bed and held one hand out in front of me to stop her from moving and she froze.

"I will text him, just after dinner. I don't wanna seem desperate. But I will quickly make him a contact." I said smirking as I grabbed the paper from my bum pocket on my skinny jeans and added Finn Wolfhard as a contact.

"Girls do you want some dinner?" We heard Mum said and we giggled our way into the kitchen.

"What are you girls giggling about?" Mum asked as she gave us our plates with mash potatoes on them.

"Nothing." (B/f/n) and I said in sinc.

My mum just raised an eyebrow and went into the lounge room which was in the same room as the kitchen. (B/f/n) and I just looked at each other and ate dinner quickly.

"Thanks for dinner mrs (l/n)." (B/f/n) called out. "Thanks for dinner Mum." I said as we ran to our room and shut the door.

I turned off the light then I lunged for my phone and jumped onto the bed with (b/f/n) jumping the same time.

"Okay okay, so it's gotta be something smooth, something that shouts, I'm sexy Finn Wolfhard. I want to marry you. But it doesn't say all that to make him think you're creepy." (B/f/n) said with her hands gesturing.

"Ohh yea, I've got an idea." I said rolling my eyes.


  (B/f/n) rolled her eyes. "Or you could be boring and just say hey. Well I'm going to bed let me know what he says in the morning." (B/f/n) said smiling then getting under the quilt covers of the double bed.

"Night." I said smiling then turning to my screen when it lit up.

Finn Wolfhard sent you +1 message.

I slide the screen to open the message



Finn-how are you

Not too bad yourself. -you

Finn-yes pretty good. Jacks snoring.

Lol, so is (b/f/n)-you

Finn-lol, so how you liking Cali?

It's pretty good, just got here today tho so haven't really seen anything. -you

Finn-we'll tomorrow Jack and I are going into town, perhaps we could swing past your place to pick you up and we could show you around?

That sounds good-you

Finn-sweet pick you up at 10?

See you then-you



I quickly sneaked out of bed trying to not make a sound and wake (b/f/n). I opened the door slowly and heard the tv still on meaning mym was still awake.

I made my way to the lounge room and sat next to Mum.

"Hey sweetie." Mum said smiling half asleep.

"Hey Mum, could me and (b/f/n) go into town tomorrow, Finn said he'd pick us up." I asked twiddling my thumb avoiding eye contact.

"With Finn? How old is he? Can he drive or something?" Mum asked crossing her arms.

"Mum calm down, Finns 15, no he obviously can't drive I assume his driver will pick us up." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Are you sure I mean, you've only known this guy for a day." Mum said sounding worried.

"Mum, I promise everything's gonna be okay." I said looking her in the eyes reassuring her.

"Very well, I'll leave some money on the bench." She said getting up.

"Thanks Mum." I said getting up hugging her and then skipping off to bed.

I'm going to see Finn tomorrow. I sung to myself in my head. Then I jumped in bed waking (b/f/n).

"What Jack died? Where!" (B/f/n) said scared and woke up fully from her nightmare.

"No, Jacks not dead, but you are to see him again tomorrow. We're going into town with Finn and him!" I told (b/f/n) excitedly.

"Oh. My. GOD!NO FRICKING WAY!" She said squealing. I giggled to how excited she was, I started squealing with her, excited by the fact I get to see Finn again tomorrow.

Then we heard the door open and Mum came in looking cross.

"Girls, if you want to go tomorrow you need to keep it down. I have work tomorrow, it's not holidays for everyone." She said then closed it gently.

I looked at (b/f/n) and we smiled then got into the quilt covers.

I couldn't help but be excited for tomorrow. I quickly sent an alarm on my phone for 8 so we had two hours to get ready. Then slowly sleep found me.

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