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Today's chapters song-Forget About you Will Gittens.

Finns pov

I was playing Fortnite when I got a message from (y/n). I stopped playing completely when she messaged me, I didn't hide in a bush, or a house, I just stood out in the open. I unlocked my phone and saw her message. My heart seeming to skip a beat as I read the words. Hey I'm doing the Calvin Klein photo shoot with you tomorrow! She was what?

"Finn? Dude you okay?" Wyatt said, I removed my gaze from my phone that I seemed to be staring at. I noticed that the game had finished and I furrowed my eyebrows. I must have died.

"Yeah, why?" I say as I get up to grab a glass of water.

"You were staring at your phone for a straight ten minutes." Wyatt said as he got up to have a drink also. I spat out most of my drunk at his words.

"What? Ten minutes!" I yelled as the water splattered all over Wyatt's face. As Wyatt wiped his face, clearly unimpressed, he stared at me confused.

"You didn't realise you were looking at your phone for ten minutes? What was the oh so important message than?" Wyatt said peeping over my shoulder to look at my phone. "Oh." Wyatt said making his mouth turn into an 'O' shape.

"Yeah." I say scratching my face.

"That's actually pretty cool, I want a photo shoot with Sophia." Wyatt said cursing under his breath, as if annoyed he didn't think about it.

"Yeah, sure." I say walking back to the couch to press start in Fortnite.

"What's your problem?" Wyatt said following closely behind me.

"Nothing." I speak, running a hand through my curly hair.

"Finn..." Wyatt pushed.

"It's just, I don't want to ruin her life. Well, her normal life." I sigh.

"What do you mean?" Wyatt said furrowing his eyebrows trying to work out what I meant.

"Like her normal life, she's gonna be famous till we 'break up' now," I cringed at the words break up but I powered on. "And now that she's doing a photo shoot she will be even more known. What if when (y/n) goes home, and she goes back to school. And realises she doesn't want this, she's going to hate me forever." The last few words pained me to say, but I only spoke the truth. What if when she went back to her home town that she won't ever want to see me again. I want to be able to see her everyday, I don't want to ever loose her.

"So what? Why do you care, she's just a girl your fake dating until she goes back to (h/t)." Wyatt shrugged moving his hands, interacting with the controller to move on Fortnite. "It's not like when she's leaving for the airport your going to express your love for your fake girlfriend. I'm sorry man, it's the hard truth, she will just forget about you when she goes home. And you should just forget about her. But for now, just play along." Wyatt shrugged.

Forget about her.
Just forget about her.

You forget about her! Your not the boss of me! What was going through his thick skull, how could anyone forget (y/n). How could anyone forget (y/n) beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair sat perfectly on her head. How could you forget her big (e/c) eyes sparkled whenever I locked eyes with her. How could I forget the way her smile makes made my stomach do backflips.

I stood up from the couch, not caring about Fortnite being played. I began heading towards my room, I needed to get away from Wyatt.

"Finn?" Wyatt questioned, confused to where I was going. I just rolled my eyes and walked away, if Wyatt wanted to forget about (y/n) he can. But there isn't even a possibility I would ever be able to forget about my (y/n).

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