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Today's chapters song-The Middle-Zedd
(Y/n) POV

"What?" (B/f/n) spoke, no emption on her face. Clearly she was just as confused as me. I just shrugged my shoulders and walked past her into our apartment room (b/f/n) following close behind me.

"Where's Mum?" I asked chucking my suitcase down and leaping onto the bed.

"She's at work, she said she would be back at nine. But don't you dare change topic." (B/f/n) glared at me as she sat next to me on the bed. I groaned quietly before sitting up from my laying position.

"It's a loooooonnnnggggg story." I said exaggerating the word long.

"We have time." (B/f/n) spoke as she pretended to look at her pretend watch. I rolled my eyes before quickly glancing at my phone in case Finn had texted me. He hadn't.

"Well." I began telling (b/f/n) everything, from the SAG awards to leaving for home on the plane. I told her how the press caught us almost kissing and how we are fake dating. I explained to her very clearly that he has no feelings for me whatsoever.

"Right. So he had no feelings for you 'whatsoever'. But do you?" (B/f/n) asked furrowing her eyes. This caused me to fall into my thoughts. I turned my gaze from (b/f/n) and looked to the sheets.

Finn doesn't like me. So why should I? Why should I like how whenever he looks at me I feel numb? For whenever he smiles and shows his white teeth it gives me goosebumps. Why should I like how cute Finn looks when his hairs in his face and he can't remove it? Why should I care?

"I don't care." I said shrugging. Trying to prove that to myself.

"Right. You don't care. But that's not what I asked. Do you like Finn?" (B/f/n) asked now looking at me intently.

Suddenly I heard the doors open and I instantly felt my heart leap from my chest.

Mums home!

"Mum!" I screamed as I leaped off the bed and ran out of the room and into my mothers arms. I saw my mum look up from her holding bags, her face instantly lighting up.

"(Y/n)!" Mum said embracing me in a warm hug, kissing my forehead several times.

"How was it? Was Finn good to you?" Mum asked hugging me tighter now.

"It was good, but ah-I have to tell you something..." I said to Mum. She now pulled my away and was holding either side of my shoulders looking at me seriously. She raised an eyebrow waiting for my confession.

"Finn and I are dating..." I say pulling a cheesy grin, unsure of her reaction.

"Dating Finn? Didn't you legit just say that it's f-" I stomped of (b/f/n) before she could finish her sentence. Mum clearly not noticing (b/f/n) remarks was looking at me. No emotion spread across her face.

Suddenly her face beamed with joy and she pulled me in to another tight hug. "Oh my god! My little girl! Look, she's all grown up now, oh my baby." Mum said pulling away from the hug. "Is he good to you? Because if his not nice then you just tell me and I'll have a chat to him." Mum said with all seriousness. I smiled nervously at her, I hated lying to Mum but it is what it is.

"Yes Mum, Finns great." I say, lying through my teeth. Mum nodded with satisfaction before heading into the kitchen. I grabbed (b/f/n) arm and dragged her into our bedroom shutting the door behind us.

"Ahh- what the fuck? You're not telling your mum?" (B/f/n) crossing her arms over her chest.

"No, I can't. She will only lecture me about it. And the less people that know, the less people who have to keep it a secret." I shrugged walking past her to grab my phone. My eyes lit up when I saw that Finn had texted me.

Finn-did you tell (b/f/n)?

I felt (b/f/n) sit next to me on the bed with her phone.
Yes, she's cool with it. Did you tell everyone else?-you

"So how's Sophia and Wyatt?" I asked curiously. I saw (b/f/n) eyes light up with excitement.

"Oh my god! They're so cute it's ridiculous! I was kinda like their Cupid. Because I made Sophia and Wyatt come on a 'hang out' with Jack and I. It was mainly so I could go on an actual date with Jack but he would know it was a date if I hadn't of invited Wyatt and Sophia. And boom, Wyatt asked her out in the cinema. They didn't really watch the movie though, they were snogging most of it." (B/f/n) said sounding so pure at the end.
I just giggled and nodded my head.

Finn-Yea all good. Sophia sounded worried for some reason but then she just went back to kissing Wyatt.

Of course-you

Finn-thanks for coming btw. It meant a lot to me. I had a really good time with you.

Same! Thank you for inviting me 'boyfriend' ;)-you

Finn-no problem beautiful.

My eyes widened at Finns words. I felt my heart skip a beat. I felt (b/f/n) move slightly and her head peeped over my shoulder to look at my phone.

"Fake dating." She commented before facing back to her own phone.

"We are." I rolled my eyes. "It's just fake. He doesn't actually think I'm pretty." I said coughing before texting Finn again.

"No." (B/f/n) started "he doesn't think your pretty?" She said turned her head to face me. "He thinks your beautiful." She said giggling.

I rolled my eyes before facing to my phone once again.

Finn-so I was thinking.

That's dangerous.-you

Finn-haha you're so funny. No, seriously though. We should probably keep our relationship up to stat. We should go out for dinner. I'll get everyone to come though, because they all missed you.

Oh that's cute-you

Finn-Yea I don't know why?

Haha you're so funny :|-you

Finn-anyways I'm off to bed, I'll pick you and (b/f/n) up at 6:30 for dinner. Night beautiful xx

Night Finlard xx-you

As I looked up from my phone I suddenly noticed (b/f/n) looking at my with an raised eyebrow.

"What?" I shrugged before putting my phone on charge and placing it down onto the bedside table.

"Your face. You look... happy?" She said before smirking. "Was it Finn?" She asked her eyes widening. I felt my face burn red as I got under the sheets trying to cover my face.

"Oh my god! ITS TOTALLY WAS! WHAT DID HE SAY?" (B/f/n) asked tickling me. I giggled uncontrollably still trying to cover my face.

"Okay okay!" I yell and catch my breath as she stops. "Goodnight." I say giggling and turning off the lamp besides me.

"Hey no fair!" She whisper/yells. I ignore her and shut my eyes. I go through my entire weekend, with the SAG awards and to Finn asking my to be his girlfriend. I can't help the smile planted on my face.

Only the second week into this holiday, and it's already been my best one yet!

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