Final chapter

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Today's chapters song-Back to you by Selena Gomez

Finns POV

"(Y/n)." I say as I lock eyes with her. Her cheeks turning a slight pink colour. I saw her raise from her seat.

"Finn... What-what are-how are you-how did you?" She began which only made me smile.

"Jack told me, I couldn't leave without seeing you." I said, taking a step closer to her. (Y/n) made an O shape with her mouth, moving her eyes away from my gaze. I took another few steps close until I was directly in front of her. I grabbed her chin so she would face me, a slight shiver going down my spine from the connection of our skin. "I had to see you. And tell you that I-" I started before the flight attendant cut me off.

"Please take your seats, the plane will be taking off soon."

"Finn, you should go." The words fell from our mouth as her gaze dropped the the floor. My mouth dropped open. How could she say that? After everything?

"But I-"

"Finn. I can't do this anymore." She stated.

"Do what?" I asked confused, what exactly are we?

"This! Us! Whatever we are. I need to go home, and get away from this. Get away from yo-" she began before my finger went to her lips, shutting them before she could go any further.

"I know you don't mean that. And for my sake, I'm going to believe you don't mean that. And I'm also going to pretend you weren't going to say what you were just about to say." I whisper as my eyes fill with tears that I refused to let go.

I turn on my heel, unable to face (y/n). I walk out of the plane, giving the ticket to the flight attendant without saying a word. She silently nodded as she had just seen the scene unfold in front of her.

"How'd you-you Alright?" Millie asked as she stood next to Jack, both with concerned looks on their faces.

"She-she told me to leave." I say my voice shaky, focusing on not letting a tear drop down my face.

"Oh Finnie." Millie says. As she brings me in for a hug.

2 weeks later.

(Y/n) POV

"You haven't left your room all school holidays, and all you've done is sat in your room stalking Finns every move. Which BTW! THERE HASN'T BEEN ANY NEWS BECAUSE HIS JUST AS HEARTBROKEN!" (B/f/n) says barging into my room and slamming the door shut, crossing her arms.

"I have not been in my room all holidays, I've had to wee every now and then." I say moving from my sitting potion to stand and stretch.

"You look a mess." (B/f/n) comments, looking me up and down.

"Oh well?" I yawn, rubbing my swollen eyes.

"Oh well? Are you serious (y/n). Get your head out of your ass-hole and man-up. You have two options. You get over Finns sorry ass and move on!" (B/f/n) says laying on my bed.

"And option two?" I ask.

"Two?" She questions.

"Yea, you said I have two options?" I state.

"Oh, the other one is that Finns attending the annual ball in California this weekend, as his rsvp on the list and it just so happens your mum is on the list." (B/f/n) says pretending not to care as she looks at her nails.

"Annual ball? What would I wear?" I think. Before shaking my head. "Option one it is." I say dissatisfaction clear in my voice.

"Alright. Well I know that your mum has two tickets for the ball. I also know jacks attending this ball and your mum was planning on surprising you with tickets to California so we could go. But I guess since you're over Finn, we don't have to go." (B/f/n) says as she gets off my bed and head towards the door. I bite my lip, resisting the urge to talk.

"Wait!" I say biting my lip harder and squeezing my eyes shut. "Let's go shopping." I say as (b/f/n) squeals.


We had taken the early flight, 6am departure and 3pm arrival. The ball was tonight. We had a hotel room booked for the weekend before we would fly back home Sunday afternoon. We headed straight for the hotel, since we needed to get ready. The ball started at 7 but we wanted to arrive late so Finn was sure to be there.

"I'm going to do my hair and makeup first, I'll let you get changed." I say as I head for the bathroom and shut the door.
Once I finished my hair I headed out of the room, switching with (b/f/n), I put on my dress than shoes.

Complete outfit

"Are you almost ready? The way we're going we are going to be more than half an hour late!" I say pounding on the bathroom door.

"I need time to look this good." She says as she poses when opening the bathroom door.

"Whatever. Come on the Uber's outside." I say, grabbing my clutch and heading out the door. As we got into the car I felt my confidence dimmer and my nerves begin to kick in. What's going to happen, last time I saw Finn I told him to leave. Leave the plane that he chased me down in.

I've missed him, he needs to know how I feel. And I know exactly what I'm going to say to him.

As we arrived the huge mansion the lights filled the dull car. Cars littered the garden and people were walking in and out of the doors that had stairs leading up to it. The mansion was white and three stories tall.

"Thankyou!" We both say stepping out of the Uber. We walk up the stairs, arms linked. I felt my hand begin shaking and my palms become sweaty. I haven't seen him in two weeks.

The theme was black, and since I was dressed in white, I would stand out.

We moved inside, I couldn't help but ignore all the eyes in me. I found myself walking through crowds, in-search of him. My eyes darted around the huge, white elegant rooms. People began opening a path up, as they all stared at me I found, at the end of the pathway him. Standing by a table holding what seemed to be soft drink in a wine glass. Finn took a sip of his drink before he noticed the path and locked eyes with me. I felt my heart flutter and my memories flowing back to when I first met Finn.

Finn put his glass on the table, starring at me amazed. I found myself smiling and walking towards him.

"What are you doing here?" Finn says crossing his arms, attempting to be mad, although his eyes show passion and excitement.

"I needed to see you." I say hesitantly. I was so confident just then, why now that I talk I'm nervous? I found myself shaking. I looked to the floor and shut my eyes. Taking deep breaths. I felt Finns hands clasp both my shoulders, causing a shock to go through my body from all the sparks. I locked eyes with Finns who seemed to be happy.

"(y/n) I like you! I knew we had something the day I saw you at Vidcon. That's why I gave you my number. And when we went to the SAG Awards that's when I realised I liked you. I guess that's a reason I asked you to fake date me. But it was also because I loved being around you. I love your presence and I love how you can make me laugh even when I'm sad. I love how you're so strong when you get hate on social media. I love how nervous you get around me and I love the way you smile. I love how your hair is parted and how you wear your clothes. (Y/n), I love everything about you. You're the one (y/n). (Y/n) I love you!" Finn says, now holding my chin. I was taken aback, Finn Wolfhard, just admitted he loved me. That he loves me.

"Finn-I-I-I love you too!" I say, tears streaming down my face.

That's when Finns lips collided onto mine. It wasn't that long, and it certainly wasn't the kind of kiss you see in movies these days, but it was wonderful in its own way, and all I can remember about the moment is that when our lips touched, I knew the memory is going to last forever.

The end.

Thoughts on my book? Please give me honest feedback. I loved writing it and I would love to write another one. Would anyone be interested in a squeal?

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