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Today's chapters song-Don't break my heart by Nathan Grisdale

The next chapters gonna be late sorry guys, I'm taking the easter weekend off.
(Y/n) POV

After dinner we all said our goodbyes, everyone was going to be heading home today, and I couldn't help but feel sad. Although I was glad Finn was leaving, Finn's letting jack stay at his house until (b/f/n) and I go home too. I have to say, I'm not looking forward to three weeks time but I guess I just have to make the most of it. The worst part of it would have to be knowing that after these three weeks Finn and I will probably never see each other again. That I will go home and everyone will ask about our 'relationship' and 'who broke up with who' since our agreement was we would date for these two months, than when I go back home we would split.

I was hugging Sophia goodbye and I felt a tear slide down my face.

"Don't you start crying, or I will!" Sophia said struggling to hold back tears.

"Don't you two start crying or I'll start crying too!" Jaeden said fanning his face, holding back tears. Which made me giggle a little, but also caused more tears to slip down my face.

"I'm going to miss you guys." I say hugging them. Wyatt coming from behind and joining in on the group hug.

"We'll see each other again. Don't you worry." Sophia said as we all pulled away. I nodded in reply before turning to Chosen who had a big grin on his face. I furrowed my eyes, what's he smiling at?

"What?" I ask.

Chosen looked around the room, clearing his voice to speak, getting everyone's attention. "I have an announcement. I am staying here for another two weeks." Chosen said, his smile beaming.

"That's great!" I say giggling at how happy he looked. I turned to Finn who was glaring at Chosen, I couldn't help but feel bad. I feel like as if I made the two have a hole in their friendship.

"Why?" Jack asked, pulling the words right out of Finns mouth.

"Haven't claimed what's rightfully mine yet, I guess." Chosen shrugging but winking at me. I gave him a confused look, what's he on? What's that supposed to mean?

Finn came behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist, I turned to him, his eyes still glaring at Chosen who raised his hands in surrender. What was going on? I don't get it? I'm so confused!

"Riiiggghhht, you do that Chosen, Sophia and I are out! Cya soon fellas." Wyatt said, raising his hand to high five jack, only to pull away before Jack could. Wyatt laughed and nodded to Finn. Finn nodded back and smiled at Sophia. Finn's smile is so cute.

Once everyone left we got a Uber home. It was a bit weird though, as I was getting into the Uber Finn hugged me, I mean I wasn't complaining, like not at all, but it was weird because he hugged me for a straight five minutes. It was a bit awkward but neither of us pulled away. Neither of us wanted to.

Finn didn't really say anything to me, but his eyes seemed heavy and I still don't get why. But he seems worried about something and I really don't get what. Ugh. Boys are so bloody confusing. Can someone actual tell me what they are thinking, I wish I could read minds or something.

"So what was up with Finn tonight?" (B/f/n) said as I unlocked the apartment door.

"I was just thinking the exact same thing." I say smirking. Great minds think alike.

"He seemed really off ever since Chosen made his big 'announcement'." She said as we both walked into the bedroom.

"Yea I don't really know." I sigh, plonking myself down onto the bed.

"So, I was wondering. Can Jack stay over tomorrow please? Finn can stay over too! It'll be fun as." (B/f/n) says with puppy eyes. I giggle at her.

"Sure." I reply with smirking.

"Yes!" (B/f/n) says punching the air.

"What'll we do though?" I ask getting my phone out of my pocket.

"Oh my god, we should make homemade pizza! And we can go out for ice cream after and then come back here and watch movies and oh my god it'll be so good!" (B/f/n) says going through the list in her head. I roll my eyes and laugh.

"So you've obviously got it all planned out than." I reply. I go to my messages to message Finn.

Do you and Jack want to stay over tomorrow night?-you

"Well obviously." (B/f/n) reply's to me
From my earlier comment.

Finn-hey, sounds great. What time?


Finn-sweet, Chosen isn't coming is he?

Why would he be?-you

Finn-just wondering, since his here for another two weeks...

Yea but I just invited you and Jack over.-you

Finn-all good, I was just wondering.

Tonight was fun, yea?-you

Finn-Yea great. Until Chosen made his 'big announcement'. 🙄

You don't want him to stay?-you

Finn-not if his gonna take what he thinks is his.

And what would that be?-you

Finn-nvm, goodnight (y/n) ❤️

Okay? Goodnight Finn💙-you

"What did Chosen mean by 'Haven't claimed what's rightfully mine yet'." I ask (b/f/n).

"Heck if I know what's going through that boys mind." She reply's with quickly.

I don't get it, and why is Finn so worked up about it.

Anyways, I would have to say I'm pretty excited for tomorrow, as it'll pretty much be a Finn and I night, as Jack and (b/f/n) will probably be wth Jack most of he night. I'm excited to spend time with just him. Although, I wish I could just tell him how I feel, I want to tell him I like him. But that will only make things awkward, and 'unprofessional' since we are only fake dating. Oh how I wish I could get rid of the fake in fake dating though, oh Finn Wolfhard. How did I find myself falling for you more everyday. How did I find myself liking you more and more.

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