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Today's chapters song-how far we've come by Matchbox Twenty.

I'm so sorry for another late update guys, I've got a lot of family stuff going on at the moment.
Finns POV

"Do you mind speeding up a little, we've got a plane to catch." I say rushed. I was stressing out, I need to see (y/n) before she leaves.

"What exactly are you going to say to her?" Jack questions me.

"What I've always wanted to tell her." I say looking out the window.

"Which is?" Jack questions.

I look at Jack, who seemed to stare at me confused. "The truth." I say mysteriously.

The Uber came to a halt and I found myself glued to the seat. Jack unbuckled his seatbelt and paid the Uber, he grabbed the door handle before glancing to me.

"Finn?" Jack softly speaks.

"What if she rejects me." I say hesitantly.

"Are you seriously thinking about this now?" Jack says rolling his eyes.

"Well the adrenaline has warn off." I say smirking slightly.

"Finn, if there's one thing I know, (y/n) is into you. I've known it since the day you two locked eyes. You don't know this but I've been telling (b/f/n) what you say about (y/n) and it seems like (y/n) has the same opinion on you. You didn't cheat on her, just like she didn't cheat on you. For starters, you guys were never really dating for reals, it was just to keep people quiet. She didn't cheat on you, Chosen kissed her, and she didn't kiss back. Okay yes, she shouldn't of gone on a "friendly date" with him. But she's a girl, she's clueless." Jack says punching me on the shoulder slightly. A warm smile appearing on my lips, this is why his my best friend. He knows exactly what to say and when to say it.

"Thanks man." I say before taking a deep breath and opening the door.

I took my first steps into the airport and realised I have no idea which terminal she is getting onto. I felt my heart sink a little, I came all this way for nothing.

"Dude... I don't even know what terminal she's at." I whisper, the words hardly coming out.

"Don't worry, we're gonna find her." Jack said, noticing the disappointment on my face. "We will just ask around." I nodded my head, looking for someone to ask. As I turned my head I heard a scream which made me cringe.

"FINN!" A group of girls screamed, they came running up to me a crowded me. I guess this is what I get for not having security.

"Finn will you be my first kiss?"

"Finn where are you going?"

"Finn I love you sign my phone case!"

"Finn are you okay after that skank kissed Chosen?" I noticed a girl talk which made my head snap to her direction, a frown on my face.

"She's no skank." I say firmly causing the girls to quiet down. I grab the girls phone case and pen, signing the case. "(Y/n) is no skank, (y/n) is one of the purest souls ever to walk this earth. She is beautiful and caring, she wouldn't hurt a fly. And unfortunately I think I've hurt her more than she could ever hurt me." I say a frown still appearing on my face. I noticed now a girl had been filming with tears in her eyes.

"Finn, that's so beautiful. Where is she now?" The girl filming speaks up, sobbing slightly.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. She's flying home because of me, I need to find her terminal." I say looking at Jack who is loving all the attention.

"Where is she flying to?" A girl asks.

"(H/t)." I say thinking for a moment.

"There's only one flight heading that way today! It leaves in ten minutes and it's on the opposite side of the airport!" A girl practically screams.

I look around desperately searching for a ride.

"There!" A girl points towards a car that a man is driving people in.

The girls rush towards it, stopping the man in his tracks.

"This is an emergency, take this guy to terminal 8 for flight 175!" The girl orders.

"Flight 175? We'll never make it, not with this rush hour." The man spits.

"You'll get him there or I'll rip that big nose of yours right off your face."

"He'll be there in five." The man intimately says.

Jack and I get on the car and I look at the girls, one will filming.

"Thanks girls, I really owe you guys one." I say smiling.

"Finn, you don't owe us anything. Go get your girl!"

As we drive off the girls are cheering and crying. Waving us goodbye.

"Final call for flight 175, final call for flight 175." The speakers ring though my ears.

"Step on it." Jack says to the guy who timidly does what Jack says.

We were there in minutes, although it felt like hours.

"I'm sure you'll still make it if you run." The man says pulling the car to a halt.

"Thanks man." I say before running towards the terminal.

"Hi I'm sorry I'm late." I say smacking my hands on the desk.

"Hi, ticket please." The lady says with a welcoming smile.

"Yea you see, about that. We don't have tickets but if you could just let us in I really need to see som-" I being talking before getting cut off.

"I'm sorry but if you don't have a ticket I'm afraid you can't get on this plane." The lady's welcoming smile turned into a less welcoming smile.

"Look mam, I've come a long way. There's a girl on there that I am in love with. If this plane leaves I'm afraid I'll never see her again, you need to let me on. I need to see her." I say.  The ladies smile turned into a soft smile, seeming to feel sorry for me.

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid if you don't have a ticket you can't get on this flight." The hostess speaks.

"It's okay. We understand." Jack says grabbing my shoulders.

"No, please I need to see her." I say trying to get out of Jack grip.

"Finn?" Millie's voice rings in my head as I turn and see her with her luggage.

"Millie. Hey." I smile turning to see the hostess smiling at Millie.

"Are you going to (h/t) too?" She says smiling.

"No, I don't have a ticket. But (y/n) on there and I need to see her before she leaves." I say disappointment showing on my face as I give in to defeat. Millie notices and she holds out her hand.

"Here, take mine, I don't need to be there till tomorrow. I'll just catch the next flight out. You go!" Millie says, her smile as bright as ever.

"Millie, you're the best!" I say hugging her in a tight hold.

"I know I know, quickly go before the shut the doors." Millie says hurrying me.

I give the ticket to the lady and run towards the plane. I could feel my heart beating in my chest as I reached the plane door. I walked in, looking at all the seats. Isle after isle, I search of her.

And that's when I saw her.


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