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Today's chapters song-Clarity by zedd

Finn's POV

"Hey what you up to?" Jack walked into my bedroom curiously. After tonight's dinner Sophia and Wyatt and all them are going back home. But I offered Jack to stay with me in California, just until (b/f/n) and (y/n) go home. So jack can spend as much time with them as possible.

"Nothing." I guess you could say I was doing nothing, I was staring at the quadrillion messages I had been sending (y/n). I wanted to message her and make sure that she was having a great day, that the sun was shining and her face was bright. Although something did seem off, she seemed off this morning while she was messaging me and it's starting to make me very worried.

Finn-hey, hows your day?
Sent at 10:07am
Finn-is everything okay?
Sent at 11:49am
Finn-what's going on?
Sent at 12:45pm
Finn-(y/n) are you okay, do you need me to come and get you?
Sent at 1pm
Finn-is (b/f/n) with you?
Sent at 1:20pm
Finn-are you okay?
Sent at 3:30
Finn-are we okay?
Sent at 5:30

I'm not sure what is going on but it's only making me anxious. I'm pretty sure she's coming to tea but I'm not sure.

"Woah, someone's a bit desperate." Jack says stealing my phone, I tried to swipe it back but it was no use, he had already seen the messages.

"Well she hasn't messaged me all day." I speak, crossing my arms. I was a little annoyed, although I was mainly worried. What if something has happened to her? Jack looked at me hesitantly for a moment, as if wanting to speak, he opened his mouth but than quickly shut it. Jack gave me
Back my phone and began rushing out of the room. I quickly chased Jack and before he could leave the room I blocked the doorway, causing Jack to groan. "What? Do you know something?"

"Well..." Jack says exaggerating the 'well'.

"Jack." I say firmly.

"Chosen likes (y/n) and he said it's not really dogging the boys if you and (y/n) aren't actually dating." Jack says super quickly, sucking in a deep breath at the end of his sentence. Although, a normal person would of said pardon and ask for Jack to repeat his words. But not me. I knew exactly what he said and it made me infuriated.

"Not dogging the boys, not dogging the boys my ass! His totally going for my girl!" I yell. My hands curled into fists from anger.

"Finn breath, if it makes you feel any better, Chosen can't make any moves because it will ruin his reputation because you're dating (y/')." Jack says with a cheesy grin.

"I don't care if it will ruin his reputation! Hell, I don't care if I ruins mine, what about (y/n) feelings, what about how she feels about everything." I enrage. Although the thought hit me. Hit me like a truck, a truck on a highway speeding. I go silent for a minute, my tone completely changing to soft and sad. "What if she likes Chosen."

"Oh shush now, come on. She's clearly into you! Come on, let's go get ready for the dinner date, besides. Chosen is going home after dinner, he'll be out of the picture." Jack says dragging my arm.

Jack was right, I just have to sit through a dinner without going hulk on Chosen, I mean hey. I love Chosen.

At the restaurant.

We waited and waited, for what seemed like hours. Still no show of (y/n) and (b/f/n). And much to my disgust, Chosen was a no show too. I felt my head drop and my heart collapse after the waiter came around for the fifth time this hour asking if we were ready to be served. And for the fifth time we said 'no not yet sorry, waiting for a few more.'

Where was she. Where was (y/n).

Finn-where are you? Is everything okay? I'm worried sick!

My heart seemed to sink every flick of the clock, every second and every minute. Was she hurt? Or was she simply just not interested in me, or this silly Game of 'fake dating'.

When I heard the bell on the door ring meaning someone was entering or leaving my head instantly flung up. Laughter filled the room and my body boiled with rage. Here stood Chosen, in his flesh, standing and laughing next to my girlfriend who I had been worrying about all day. Chosen of course would do this, but I guess I get it.

I get it because Chosen is the nice guy, his the guy everyone likes. His nice and caring, his got the looks for sure. But just this once, just one time I want to get the girl. The girl of my dreams. I couldn't take staring at the pair smiling.

I stood up from the table, using my hands to help stable me from stumbling to the floor. I felt light headed but I shook the feeling off. I needed some air, some fresh, drama-less air. And I needed it now.

I stepped out from the restaurant and I started walking. Until I heard (y/m) yell to me. I instantly felt relieved, it wasn't my plan for her to follow me, but some part of me wanted her here, with me. But for some reason I kept on walking, I wanted to avoid this conversation but when I felt her touch my shoulder, when I felt the tingles I couldn't resist anymore.

"What?" I speak, not meaning to sound annoyed, I spoke louder than I usually would too. It just came out like that. I'm sorry (y/n).

She seemed to shift uncomfortably, I cringed instantly annoyed I raised my voice but she seemed to brush the previous words off. "Why did you leave?"

"Are you serious?" Was she really just asking me that? Obviously I left because I was pissed off at Chosen. I walk off waving my hands in the air, isn't it obvious? When I felt the familiar tingles go through my body from the touch of (y/n) I seemed to calm down.

"You are an hour late, I was messaging you constantly throughout the day. I was getting so worried when you didn't reply, then you rock up at the restaurant with Chosen?!" I say raising my Voice slightly at the end when mentioning Chosen's name.

(B/f/n) said no phones today, so I left mine at home-wait-is that what this is about, Chosen?" She asked looking down slightly.

"Maybe." I mumble, feeling my cheeks burn slightly. I noticed that (y/n) had a slight shiver in the sudden cool change that had just come through. I couldn't help but find myself smiling at how cute she was. "Here, use mine." I take off my jacket and wrap it around (y/n) shoulders. "Look-" I begin, I take a deep breath and brace myself. "I like Yu-" I stopped myself from saying anymore. I couldn't. I just, couldn't. "I like your hair tonight it looks good."

"Finn I'm sorry, we lost track of time I promise it won't happen again." I
Found myself amused my the touch of her hair, but I soon found myself caressing (y/n) soft skin.

"It's fine." To be honest, I'm not sure why she was apologising but I didn't want to ruin the moment.

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