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Today's chapters song-let it go by Demi Lovato.
Sorry for yet another late update. I have no excuse.
(Y/n) POV

FINN JUST CALLED ME GORGEOUS. Finn just called me gorgeous. Oh my golly. Gosh. Gorgeous. A wide smile spread across my face as I faced the screen. A party was going off in my head of little tiny Me's parading around. Finn Wolfhard, my crush, called ME gorgeous. G O R G E O U S. Gorgeous.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the room went black. The credits were being shown and I noticed Finns arm was wrapped around my waist as we were sitting on a single couch together. I suddenly felt nervous, and my heart rate increased.

"Jack are you crying?" I hear Finn speak, his breath flowing past my ear.

"No get stuffed." Jack said, sniffling a little bit covering up the fact he was crying. (B/f/n) looked over and nodded her head mischievously.

"I gotta go to the pissa." Finn said, unwrapping his arm from my waist and heading towards the bathroom. I found myself watching him leave the room.

"Touchy touchy, feely feely." Jack said, wiggling his eyebrows. (B/f/n) slapped him on the shoulder giggling slightly. I felt my face turn red as I flung my head towards the pair.

"I thought it was cute." (B/f/n) said smiling.

"Yeah, and I bet his in the toilet getting rid of his boner." Jack scoffed. Which caused him to get another slap on he shoulder.

"It's just fake, he wouldn't of got a boner." I say.

"Who got a boner?" Finn walked into the room, swiftly taking a seat next to me, squeezing himself into a comfortable position.

"Not me." (B/f/n) said putting her hands up in surrender.

"Right." Finn spoke, then glanced at me, I refused to look back at him, instead I just looked straight ahead. I noticed he was looking at me for awhile from the corner of my eye.

An awkward silence filled the room, no one sure of what to say and when to say it.

"Let's play just dance!" (B/f/n) said jumping out of her seat.

I heard a slight groan come from Jacks mouth but, (b/f/n) only ignored him.

"Let's do it. I'm gonna get my groove on." Finn jumped up out of the seat, and began to do the backpack boy dance.

"Finn and I go first." (B/f/n) said. As the game started losing Finn and (b/f/n) got into position. Finn turned back to look at me, and he smiled.

"Do you wanna go first or?" Finn spoke, pointing towards the tv. I smiled, it was cute how he was thinking of me.

"Nah you go. All good." I speak.

"We are so doing this song." (B/f/n) said clicking onto Let It Go by frozen.

As the two began dancing I noticed my phone turned on, it was a notification from Instagram. It was Chosen.

Chosen-hey guess what just came out in the cinema. Ready Player One. It looks actual lit.

oh yea it actually looks pretty cool.-you

Chosen-we should go watch it together it'll be so good.

Sounds good.-you

"Finn smile." I say as I click onto video on Instagram. I video Finn and (b/f/n) dancing to Frozen. I stood up and went in front of the two. Finns face went bright red but he continued dancing. I laughed and the video stopped. I uploaded it to my Instagram story and users were instantly viewing it.

"Ha! She put it on her story, sucked in Finn!" Jack said watching the story.

"You little rascal!" Finn said looking at me playful eyes. The dance had stopped and the scores were being tallied. Although instead of Finn looking to see if he won, he decided he would chase me. He leapt forward, trying to grab me, although I was swift and quick to dodge. I ran towards the kitchen table, I was at one end and of the table and Finn was at the other. We were both laughing, Finn went to go one way and I went the other, so we were still at opposite sides of the table.

Finn then jumped the table which startled me, I went to dodge but it was too late, Finn grabbed my arm. I removed my arm from his grip but only made Finn loose balance and trip on top of me. I hit my head on the floor but not too hard, as Finns hand was wrapped under my head. I opened my eyes as they had automatically closed, bracing for the impact.

"You okay?" Finns face was filled with worry, as if he had just stepped onto a puppy.

"Yea. Fine." My breath hitched and I struggled to find my breath, I looked into Finns eyes who was searching my face. "Finn." I say, grabbing hold of his face. "I'm fine." I say, smiling.

"Ok, ok. Good." Finn said, smiling and seeming out of breath. Finns eyes trailed down my face, and stopping at my lips.

His face slowly came closer to mine and I felt my heart rate increase. I felt my hands move as Finns face came closer to mine. And inches away, his nose touched mine, ours eyes locked.

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